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Eidos-Montreal's Thief reboot still has much to prove to fans of the series who are afraid of the game being taken in the wrong direction. While the absence of classic Thief lead Stephen Russell has definitely given fans reason for worry, a debut trailer which emphasized escaping over doing battle and the announcement that it is entirely possible to do a no-kill playthrough are indicators that the developers might "get it."
This E3 trailer, though not jam-packed with anything new, still places an emphasis on atmosphere, Garrett's perspective on the world, and evasion over combat. Yes, Garrett threateningly points his bow and arrow at two guards towards the end, but for a game two trailers into its marketing campaign, that being the strongest sign of aggression seen so far is really not half bad.
On the other end of things, however, it'll be disappointing if E3 comes and goes without any Thief gameplay. That's the meat and potatoes here, and while Eidos-Montreal showed that they have a healthy respect for and talent with similar gameplay in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, veteran Thief fans are perfectly reasonable in holding their skepticism until they get hard proof to alleviate it.
Thief will release for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One in 2014.
11 years, 7 months ago
I am looking forward to this, Eidos has shown they have a respect for old franchises like with Deus Ex, even if it is not 100% what thief fans what I am sure it will still be the best thief game made in the current era.