The Week of June 10, 2013

The weekend is finally here! Time to recap some important news buzzing around the game industry.

  • In case you missed it, last week was E3 2013. Joseph, Brad, Nick and Chris have given us loads of hands-on impressions for upcoming games, interviews with key developers, VLOGS and podcasts! #4PNE3 on Twitter is also filled with commentaries from us and the community, so make sure to check that out. What were some of your favourite E3 moments?

  • While it's clear that Sony had a superior E3 conference, Nolan Hedstrom shares some important reasons why the Xbox One isn't doomed in the next-gen console war.

  • Did you pick up the much anticipated Naughty Dog title The Last of Us? There were several reports of game-breaking autosave bugs, but the studio has confirmed that this issue should be resolved by now.

  • Twine has opened up new possibilities for gaming experiences that allow room to discuss social and personal issues, and PopMatters published a great article about these text-based adventures. Have you played or created any Twine games? I'm currently working on one myself!

  • The creators of the upcoming sci-fi shooter Titanfall had asburd legal battles with their former colleagues at Activision. Vincent Zampella and Jason West are best known for their work on the Call of Duty franchise, and their war with Activision can be a FPS adventure all on its own.

  • Did you know that banned Xbox Live accounts will lose access to their game library? Well, you do now.

  • Katherine Cross wrote about the struggles between publishers and lead female protagonists in games over at Bitch Magazine and it's worth a read.

  • "The disc-based day-one $60 model is crumbling," says Cliff Bleszinksi.

  • Last week the free-to-play fighting game Tekken Revolution launched exclusively for the PS3, and everyone still won't stop talking about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Did you pick it up either titles and play with friends? Share in the comments below!
That wraps it up for this week. If a game-related event occurs during the week and you think it deserves a mention, then please contact me and let me know.


  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Only news unheard of for me was twine games, there titles seem like something to look out for.

  • FFRyan Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    It feels strange to have the excitement of E3 behind us. I guess now we just wait until the next gen consoles get released.

  • Absolutely_Daft Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I've tried out Twine back in May. I think it is a neat tool for me to practice writing in a gaming style than how my thinking process goes through a 3-act movement.

    But since I'm experimenting with gaming tool programs, I'm going to learn how to use either Spine or Spriter. Two 2D animation programs funded by Kickstarter. Because not having a solid for art assets has been postponing my work on my first project.

  • Joseph™ Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    That Xbox ban that makes you lose all the stuff you own is so bad. I'm going back to Sony.

  • Breakspeed Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    What a great week for content and news...

    After hearing some of the impressions from the upcoming South Park game I really agree with Joseph's insight: South Park is best when it is layered - when the jokes are both micro and macroscopic. Potty humor and social commentary. Needless to say though - I'm pumped to play a favourite TV franchise as a classic turn-based RPG. It's sad South Park will be doing Final Fantasy better than Final Fantasy has recently... All while mocking the genre.

    I'm of course pumped to take on The Witcher 3, just nervous about upgrading my PC which is ~6 years old now. While I know it's impossible to future proof, keeping the value versus just submitting and buying a PS4 at the $399 price point is a tough decision right now. I'm starting to get to a point where I would rather have that "all-in-one" machine be in my living room. Losing the ability to mod games is the toughest thing to accept for me should I choose to make the change for at least a few years.

    I'll check out the Twine stories - thanks for compiling all of the updates, looking forward to the next weekly updates.