
In case you missed Sony's E3 conference, here are the highlights.

The look of the PS4 console is revealed, showing a half plastic half matte finish with slanted edges.

For the Playstation 3, a Grand Theft Auto V bundle including the game, the PS3 console, and the Pulse Elite Headset will retail for $299 on September 17th.

Trailers for upcoming PS3 releases are shown: Gran Turismo 6, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, and Batman: Arkham Origins.

Gaikai, Playstation's Cloud system, is due to arrive in the US in 2014. Gaikai will allow PS3 and PS4 users to stream PS3 games. A version of this cloud computing is set for the Playstation Vita later.

The Playstation Vita is expanded. God of War 1 & 2 in HD, Flower, Dead Nation, and the complete The Walking Dead bundle are on their way. It also includes DLC for The Walking Dead called '400 Days'.

Japan Studio has a F2P title for the Vita coming soon called Destiny of Spirits.

Sony Music and Movies Unlimited will be available on PS4 Day One. Redbox and Flickster are coming to the PS3, with promises of being on the Vita and PS4 "very soon".

Sony has expanded their PS+ service. It is now required to play online with the PS4. It also brings all the deals and free games previously available on the PS3's Playstation Store, along with upcoming deals and sales. The service will cost $5 a month. This does not affect outside streaming services like Netflix or Hulu Plus, which are still free to access.

Good news for PS+ players, your subscription will carry over onto PS4. A PS+ edition of Driveclub will be available for PS+ members at PS4 launch day.

In a vague statement by Sony Pictures Entertainment President Michael Lynton, Sony is creating entertainment content exclusively for the Playstation 4.

Sony announced that the PS4 will not restrict games in any way. There will be no DRM, and no online check-in. Jack Tretton (the presenter) even took a moment to poke Microsoft in the ribs. This is one of the biggest reactions in this year's E3, likely ever, with the crowd reaction so strong. It's really something to see for yourself.  (Recent news is showing that all of Sony's first-party titles will not have DRM. However, they are leaving it up to the publisher to decide for third-party titles.)

New games shown include Ready at Dawn's The Order: 1886, what appears to be a steampunk styled action game where characters fight off some sort of monster.

Infamous: Second Son will be released Q1 2014.

Knack and Driveclub will both be PS4 launch titles.

PS4 shows off their love for indies and presented a list.
Don't Starve by Klei Entertainment, Mercenary Kings by Tribute Games, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New 'n Tasty from Oddworld Inhabitants/Just Add Water, Transistor from Supergiant Games (the studio behind Bastion), Octodad: Dadliest Catch by Young Horses (2014), Ray's the Dead by Ragtag Studio, Galak-Z from 17-Bit, Secret Ponchos from Switchblade Monkeys, and Contrast from Complusion Games.

The Elder Scrolls: Online will have an exclusive Playstation 4 beta phase in Q2 2014.

Along with more Beyond: Two Souls footage, studio Quantic Dream showed a tech demo on the PS4 called The Dark Sorcerer.

Ubisoft delivers with gameplay from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag announced on PS3 and PS4 that will have 3 unique and exclusive missions featuring Aveline.

Watch Dogs had show of gameplay, four Playstation-only exclusive missions will be available.

Square Enix speaks up and shows entirely new footage of Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which has now officially become Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy XIV and Kingdom Hearts III show footage and are on their way to PS4.

Avalanche Studios presents a teaser trailer for Mad Max.

NBA 2K14 trailer is shown.

Finally, Sony announced the Playstation 4 will retail for $399. It will also have an upgradable hard disk drive and is region free.


  • Nolan Hedstrom Avatar
    Nolan Hedstrom
    11 years, 9 months ago

    They did have one of the most impressive conferences I've seen in a long time. The Indie games, the world premieres, exclusive content, and the price announcement with mic drop at the end sealed the deal.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    It's like Sony saw what Microsoft did and did it even better. "Oh, you have Minecraft? Here's 7 indie titles, including Don't Starve and Transistor."

    They saw what they needed to do and they went for the jugular. Granted, they didn't come out and say they have to have you pay for online now, but Plus is such a good program, it's worth the money.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    Another great rundown, could there be one for EA and Ubisoft?