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That's right, you get not only one but TWO new Trials games courtesy of Ubisoft. Trials Fusion is the continuation of the main Trials series and looks to continue being the ridiculously over the top game we all know and love. Soon, you will be able to drive through ridiculous courses and cause all sorts of bodily harm to that poor driver on the Xbox One, PS4, 360, and PC. To top it off, you can also take your sadistic motocross needs on the go thanks to Trials Frontier! Frontier is a mobile game that will allow players to interact with Fusion players as far as comparing scores and times. Both Fusion and Frontier will be released some time in 2014.
11 years, 7 months ago
New Trials!
Xbox 360 Ha ha ha. Fuck you xbox one. ;)
Trials is one of the only exclusive 360 games that I put hundreds of hours into and I won't have to worry about it being an exclusive on xbox one. It's trials so it's not like the xbox one version will be all that different. Prettier yes but trials isn't really about the graphics. It's about the gameplay.
11 years, 7 months ago
Hell of a trailer although not being a fan of any trials games I probably won't get it.