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There has been some confusion today over the state of The Last Guardian. A source from Kotaku was quick to point out that Sony's Jack Tretton made a statement on SpikeTV saying The Last Guardian would not have any trailers or new information at E3...because it was on hiatus. Almost two hours later, Shuhei Yoshida approached Kotaku to say that was not the case at all. According to Yoshida, The Last Guardian is still in active development, but Team Ico is not yet ready to "reintroduce" the game to the world. Now, I'm aware Yoshida is not a native English speaker, but his choice of the word "reintroduce" could lead to some speculation. Perhaps the game is being updated to become a PS4 exclusive rather than PS3. Perhaps there are some drastic changes to gameplay that took years to work on. Perhaps The Last Guardian could be drastically different to what we saw so many E3s ago.
While this news is good, it also has some negatives. This still leaves gamers with no possible release date, platform, or even a hint at what the gameplay will be. It's disappointing that a game announced 4 years ago still has so little information surrounding it, but Team Ico is not willing to cave in just yet. Who knows, maybe we'll see a new glimpse at The Last Guardian at next year's E3. At any rate, Yoshida tells gamers the game is not yet ready and to, please, just wait a while longer.
11 years, 7 months ago
11 years, 7 months ago
Wooh....? Mike is gonna be disappointed.
11 years, 7 months ago
No surprises here still under the "we can't reveal" banner but I do think that making it a PS4 exclusive is a good thing.