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Yeah, not quite what people may have been expecting, but here it is! Retro Studios, the team behind the Metroid Prime series, is now working on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, a side scrolling platformer for the WiiU. Fans will certainly be pleased that Donkey Kong is still receiving plenty of love from Nintendo and this isn't Retro's first Donkey Kong title so, if you were a fan of Donkey Kong Country Returns, you're probably jumping up and down in your seat right about now. Also, if you've ever wanted to beat up anthropomorphic vikings as a guerrilla, well, this is the game for you! This latest Donkey Kong title will be releasing this year exclusively for the WiiU.
11 years, 7 months ago
I hate to be the one to bring up the elephant in the room, but why the fuck is a pig the checkpoint in the new DKC games?
11 years, 7 months ago
Well I was a fan of the new DKCR but I am still a bit disappointed that this the big game that retro was working on.