
Following the release of yesterday's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer, Hideo Kojima tweeted that there would be a longer director's cut coming. It's here, now making this a hefty nine-minute trailer, and it's packed with some harsh violence and a look at what Kojima must have meant when he said the game would taking on very taboo subjects.

Spoilers for the Metal Gear Solid games below.

Almost all of the new content is in the beginning, including a brief conversation about protagonists Snake and Kaz gathering the resources to take on "Cipher," who was the "man behind the man" pulling the strings in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Cipher is the alter ego of Major Zero, Snake's former commander in Metal Gear Solid 3, who eventually becomes one of the overarching villains of the plot as a whole. The mysterious "Skull Face" cannot be Zero, as Zero did not show any signs of such a horrific face in the epilogue of Metal Gear Solid 4, but this seems a confirmation that Cipher is the main villain once again.

Spoilers end here.

So, what do we have here? Among other things there is torture, which is almost a trademark of this series, but the incredible photorealism of the Fox Engine makes it feel especially brutal this time around. This is then followed by a lengthy shot of African child soldiers in training, which is a dark, taboo theme if ever I've heard of one. Later in the trailer it could even be speculated that we see Snake himself paying them in conflict diamonds, which would make things only much, much worse.

Finally, stick around for the last thirty seconds, which should be quite a moment for any longtime fans of the Metal Gear franchise.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will release for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One in 2014.


  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    11 years, 9 months ago

    From watching the trailer, I can see why Kojima made the 'too risky' comment. I have no doubt in my mind this game will be great and continue to blow us away

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    I can see the media raging all over this game...but for me, all I see is that this game will be a masterpiece. I hope he won't change anything just to satisfy the angry folks. Good job Kojima, well done!

  • Joseph™ Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    This game is just plain gorgeous. Also, the new open world setting could be very interesting. Can't wait to see or hear more about this game.

  • CyborgMaid Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    This trailer is fucking art. It's really powerful. You can tell this game wont be covered with sugar. I am sure it's going to be absolutely amazing.

  • Moblyn Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    So far this is game of the show for me.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    Oh god the people all going to be up in arms in "video game" violence but besides that all the new content is cringeworthy although necessary considering the tone Kojima is going with this game. Nonetheless I am really excited for this title and more Metal Gear is a plus for me.