
Ryse, an Xbox One exclusive shown before we even knew the console was named the Xbox One, was one of the biggest showings at Microsoft's press conference today. A product of Crytek, the Far Cry and Crysis studio, Ryse is the kind of game that likely has a one-page design document with the words "See also: 300" in bold.

I mean it, this really looks like the closest we'll get to a triple-A 300 video game. There's even the kick thing!

However, there's also something else in that screenshot you probably noticed: a QTE. Yeah. There are a lot of them. So many of them, in fact, that the combat system appears based around them. In an interview with Geoff Keighley after the show, one of Crytek's designers declared that those QTE moments are called "executions" and there are over one hundred of them in the game, with more unlocked as rewards for players.

So that's something.

It's still a really good-looking game and fun to watch, so give the video a whirl.

Ryse will release at launch for the Xbox One only.


  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Good looking game, but the constant QTEs are a bit to much.

  • Meltdown Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    All I could think of when watching the start of the gameplay demonstration. "Beaches of Normandy: Roman Soldier Edition."

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    11 years, 7 months ago

    More QTEs than Heavy Rain? Is it even possible?

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Ya you are right definitely seeing a 300 vibe here, this seems like a step forward from God of War combat though not sure if that is good or not.

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    11 years, 7 months ago

    The games looks really nice and I am glad we are seeing a new game set in this time period but the game play really turns me off. Seeing all those QTEs got old really quick.

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    As long as those QTEs aren't mandatory and you can kill the enemies with normal attacks. I don't see myself using them unless I'm getting overwhelmed.

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    11 years, 7 months ago

    As a person who loves history, this game drives me nuts. That soldier got that arrow in his eye because, his shield is way too small. Roman shields where over half as tall as a person and wider. This served to protect not just the soldier carrying it, but to lock into a shield wall and protect the whole formation. I laughed when I saw the huge gaping holes between the shields when they showed off a testudo formation. They show troops hold their shield at the hand, which doesn't work. Shields have to be held at the forearm, otherwise any force would push the shield to one side. That would leave soldiers wide open, which is why no one, at anytime in history, ever used shields that way. The pilum was not used for clearing walls, it was weighted so it could be better used to attack formations. They would have had to use a lighter javelin. Roman helmets where made so to resist strikes to the top of the skull, as well as lateral strikes. The only way to attack a armored Roman soldier's head was to stab the face, which was quite a feat considering the large shields. Ryse's Roman helmets are little more than cheap dark age skull caps. Since I see troops on screen with lorica segmentata, segmented plate armor, we can assume they are legionary. Legionary during the time that they used lorica segmentata, they not did not use mail. Let alone mail underneath their tunics. A tunic was used not just as clothing, but to keep armor from damaging the skin. Why are troops and the main character wearing mail under their tunics? It must be so painful to move. I have no idea why Crytek thought that these poor guys are even remotely close to their real legionary counterparts.

    All that aside, qucktime 'events' are not fun. They have been criticized for years now. Why is the main gameplay mechanic, combat, flooded with QTEs? They've also included a 'iwin' button for arrow volleys, never mind the player would also be in the kill zone of such a large amount of arrows. Did Crytek even try to make a good game?