og:image: Wii U is not just an upgrade

Nintendo has sent out a message to Wii owners encouraging them to check out the Wii U. 

The message (via IGN), delivered through the WiiConnect24 service, reads:

"Wii U is the all-new home console from Nintendo. It's not just an upgrade -- it's an entirely new system that will change the way you and your family experience games and entertainment. The second screen on the included Wii U GamePad controller enables never-before-seen ways to play games and enjoy TV. And for the first time ever, you can see Mario and your favorite Nintendo franchises in glorious HD."

Backwards compatibility is also highlighted in Nintendo's message, which reminds Wii users that "Wii controllers and many Wii accessories can also be used with a new Wii U console -- along with any downloaded games, save data, and other info stored in your existing Wii console." 

Nintendo has expressed frustrations about not being able to communicate the appeal of their new console. The Wii U has been struggling with disappointing sales, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that Nintendo feels "deeply responsible for not having tried hard enough to have consumers understand the product." Nintendo's message to Wii owners might sway Nintendo fans that have been on the fence about buying the new console. However, while things like backwards compatibility and HD are always appreciated, the message doesn't address one of the biggest current problems with the Wii U: a lack of new, interesting games. 

Many of the games that have been released so far on the Wii U are revamped versions of titles already released on other consoles. The general lack of third party support isn't helping either. Hopefully Nintendo can generate more interest in the console. Exclusive titles like Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 may give the Wii U the boost it needs, but we will have to see.   


  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    They need to release a reason to buy a Wii U. Like you said, all their big draws right now seem to be mainly ports of the xbox and ps hits right now. I'm sure it'll pick up when they release a new mario that isn't the same as New Super Mario Bros Wii with added wii u screen support. Or whenever Miyamoto releases anything, you know it's gonna be a huge hit.

    Or they need to focus on quality games and a lot less on shovelware this gen.

  • Jager Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Oh god this is hilarious.

  • Jeremy Flower Avatar
    Jeremy Flower
    11 years, 10 months ago

    They mispelled "even" as "just".

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Well, the Wii was designed to draw in a lot of "casual" gamers who are largely ignorant to the way the industry works.

    And then they release a system with nearly the exact same name with NO indication that it is a "sequel" or "next-gen" system, and then are confused when people are unsure about buying it? Along with the fact that it has no draw for the more "hardcore" consumers?

    They need to reap what they sow and hopefully learn from the experience.

  • Avatar
    X3R0 9
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Nintendo just needs to exit the console market and focus on the DS and licensing out their games like SEGA has done. The Wii/Wii U is Nintendo "slow bleed" and will eventually be their demise if they don't wake up.

  • rabbeseking Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Hey, it's only been... 6 months since launch and almost 2 years since they announced the fucking thing. Good job getting the jump on this, Nintendo.

  • Chrissaviour Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    They are really getting desperate.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I know Nintendo aim their consoles at casuals but i consider myself a bit more invested in gaming as i visit gaming sites and forums daily but i never really hear anything about the wiiU so i dont really care for the console. So how are the casuals supposed to hear about it or get hyped for it? They advertised the wii and ds everywhere. It makes me think they may be spent too much money on this console so they cant afford advertising or games or they were not expecting it to do well. It all seemed kinda fishy when they first shown the presentations trying to show they had 3rd party developers wanting to support the console. You shouldn't have to try and convince people that when you are a massive company like nintendo.