og:image:, Ninja Theory, Capcom, DmC, Enslaved

It seems like Ninja Theory, the developers behind some of this generation's most divisive action games is gearing up to show us something new tomorrow. With the release of DmC: Devil May Cry still fresh on our minds, it's easy to assume that this might be in reference to new DLC for that title. With that said, this studio has never been one to follow their releases with a lot of DLC and has moved from one new property to another historically. 

The studio came onto the scene in 2007 with the release of Heavenly Sword, a PS3 exclusive that many compared to the God of War franchise. The game was relatively well received but ultimately was known more for its cinematic flair and depiction of its characters. Then in 2010,  Ninja Theory debuted another new IP called Enslaved: Odyssey to the West which once again managed to reinforce the studio's knack for storytelling and presentation. It wasn't until DmC, the controversial western reboot of the Devil May Cry franchise was released that Ninja Theory was able to earn their stripes as a complex, mechanics driven studio. 

Now, Ninja Theory has taken to Twitter to tease an announcement coming tomorrow. What do you think it could be? With the mixed commercial reception of DmC, a sequel to the DmC seems unlikely at this point. If I had to guess, I would put my money on more DLC or perhaps a tease for a new IP that will be officially unveiled at E3 in June. Of course, we can all hope and pray that they have taken a stab at Onimusha, yet another classic Capcom franchise. Unfortunately, a tweet from back in 2012 seems to indicate otherwise. Of course, they could be trying to keep things underwraps until the time is right... 

What are your hopes or theories regarding tomorrow's announcement?

[UPDATE] - Ninja Theory has announced 'Fightback', a free-to-play action game on iOS. Definitely not what many of us were hoping for or expecting but should be pleasing to anyone who considers themselves a fan of mobile games. 


  • Absolutely Daft Avatar
    Absolutely Daft
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Their trademark style is the DmC/God of War combat game. So I think they're just gonna make another game in that style.

  • Moblyn Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Im hoping for a new IP. Maybe we can get a game with Enslaved's amazing characters and setting along with DMC's better gameplay.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago


  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    DLC most likely but then again hoping its a new ip so ninja theory won't have any limitations on their next project.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    If its something like Enslaved, then Iam Interested. Lets just hope Nick doesn't Wet-Himself. If its some. DARK AND EDGY SHIT, WITH CURSING. VULGARITY. AND SEX!

  • DEWGONG Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    if any of you expected something big, you'll most likely be disappointed
    it's a mobile game :(

  • Zladko Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    not surprised

    it's not the best of times for ninja theory

  • MilkyAlien Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Well that isn't looking good for them.