
og:image:, Xbox One, Microsoft, Hardware

All 3 major players have laid their cards on the table. Microsoft took to the stage this morning to announce the next evolution of their Xbox platform, the Xbox One. I know what you are thinking... "What the hell are we supposed to call the original Xbox now?" Believe me, I have no idea. With that said, we made it through phase 1 of their announcement without the words "Always Online" being uttered so there is that. 

The presser today debuted all kinds of aspects of their new box such as Live TV, the new Kinect Sensor, and spent very little time actually talking about games. Here is what we know about the new hardware thus far:

  • The box features a heavily modified AMD chip and an 8 core CPU
  • The GPU is tailored for DirectX 11.1 graphics
  • The unit features a Blu Ray/DVD combo drive
  • It will feature 8GB of DDR3 RAM and an unspecified 500GB hard drive
  • Various HDMI 1.4 and USB 3.0 Outputs
  • Kinect will come bundled with every unit which will feature 250,000-pixel infrared depth sensor as well as a regular 720p web cam

There is still a lot to be revealed and plenty to discuss regarding Live TV, the new Xbox Live, and Microsoft's claim that the system will feature 15 exclusive titles in the first year of release. Stay tuned in the days to come and of course tune in for our coverage of E3 2013 in June.

We will be discussing our reactions to the announcement on tonight's podcast as well. 


  • PrideSwine Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    What a shitty name.

  • aptom Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Wow with all of the announcements i am surprised we didn't see a new halo game maybe 343 wants more time to rehash the same game.

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    Pascal Pouliot
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Is it true that this console will require games to have mandatory installation and that there's gonna be a fee for repurchase games?

  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    im pretty sure we call the original xbox, "the original xbox" or just "xbox"

    i mean for this system ppl will probably call it "XBO" or "the one"...hopefully the first one because I can just imagine carlos running around saying..."ima be the one to play CODG on "the ONE""

  • Darth_Spudius Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Oh god xbox one it gets me confused with the first xbox... get a grip!

    The console looks nice but halo and call of duty?! Very original.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    The name is garbage. Kinect and all the media stuff was a big "so what"?

    And then they lined up some of the biggest selling franchises in gaming with some exclusivity for xbox1. Love them or hate them they are going to sell consoles. Are the masses of Madden, Fifa, Forza, Halo, calladooty (calladoggy) players going to want to play their favourite franchises first on xbox one? They just might.

    Bit sad for those who aren't fans of the big sellers and wanted a core gaming box but it's all about shifting units come the launches.

    Better to wait and see how this all plays out. Good original games will come, just not for a while it looks like.

  • bigbazz Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Have they lost it completely

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I have no problems with the name, I think it's appropriated for the type of box MS unveiled. Nobody is going to confuse original Xbox with Xbox One, we're not talking Wii and Wii U here.
    I'm still waiting until E3 to make my decision on what to buy, but I'm leaning PS4 right now. MS said they are sitting on 15 or 18 exclusives that will be talked about at E3 so...

  • InvaderSnarf Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Oh shit! I get it!

    Xbox One = Xbox WON! As in, Microsoft is flinging out what they think of as a slap in the face of Sony and Nintendo and gloating about their supremacy of the xbox360 this gen of consoles.

    Hate to be the one to burst Microsoft's bubble but Nintendo and Sony have both been through that phase, Sony with the ps2 (and we all know how they went into this gen with the ps3 thinking they were the hot player) and then Nintendo with pretty much the NES through the N64. However, neither Nintendo nor Sony came out telling everyone that they "won" a console generation like Microsoft is doing right now. I really hope that Microsoft won't forget the gamer, and I guess we will see at E3 pretty soon. But not talking about games and instead about their premium TV service doesn't put a good taste in my mouth.

    If Microsoft thinks they can sell an all in one entertainment box with games as a side dish then power to them, but lets look at their competition.
    Sony- They already have several services for TV, they have Netflix, and Hulu on the ps3 and we can only expect that to grow with their streaming ability with the PS4.
    Nintendo- Ok, since I don't own a WiiU I can't say much, but again I think things like Netflix would work better on that with the tablet than anything else on the market at the moment.
    EVERY GODDAMN TELEVISION PROVIDER- TimeWarner, Comcast, I can't really see these kind of companies just stepping aside being quiet letting Microsoft cut into their profits. These network providers have been around for decades and have hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars behind them. These are not the kind of people you want to piss off when you are trying to sell a system and I could see how they could feel Microsoft starting to step on their toes.

    To close out, I don't want to be seen as the jackass that blindly rails on a company. I like Microsoft, I enjoy using the Windows OS and I really enjoy playing on my xbox 360. And I truly hope that the "XboX One" (what a stupid name imo) is successful and provides good competition for Sony and the PS4. Good to see that Xbox1 (really hate that name) will have 8 gigs of ram, but with it being the same amount as the PS4 but only GDDR3 instead of GDDR5 I think that we are going to see games looking incredibly better on the PS4 than on the XboX1 kind of like how games looked better on the xbox360 than the ps3.

    The best to both companies, I truly hope that they are successful. But at the end of the Sony/PS4 event I wanted to buy a PS4. At the end of this Microsoft Xbox TV hour, I can't see myself laying down possibly $300-$500 on this new system.

  • dumon Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I'll wait for E3 to make any more solid judgements, but so far all I can say is "meh."

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I think the name is fine people will get over it. The console and controller look fine also. The only thing im upset about is the lack of games shown. We already knew they would show CoD, How many Forza games can they make? And the only new IP shown was very underwhelming.

  • FFRyan Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    So I tweeted this to Joseph and Brad, "What if 20 friends chip in to buy 1 copy then paid the used game fee ($10?). kinda dicks over the pub/dev :/ " If this isn't regulated, and I really hope it is, it could be so devastating to publishers and developers. I don't know where else to go so I'll just end it there. Console is a vhs player, the name pls no, controller oh god, kinect...nop. Things are so crazy right now it's ridiculous; news, stocks, opinions. Idk why are trying to appeal to sports fans so much either. I'm going to say that this reveal is worse than "attack its weak point for massive damage"

  • FFRyan Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    So I tweeted this to Joseph and Brad, "What if 20 friends chip in to buy 1 copy then paid the used game fee ($10?). kinda dicks over the pub/dev :/ " If this isn't regulated, and I really hope it is, it could be so devastating to publishers and developers. I don't know where else to go so I'll just end it there. Console is a vhs player, the name pls no, controller oh god, kinect...nop. Things are so crazy right now it's ridiculous; news, stocks, opinions. Idk why are trying to appeal to sports fans so much either. I'm going to say that this reveal is worse than "attack its weak point for massive damage"

  • Gumbo Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    We also already know that it has mandatory game installations, games are restricted to one profile, no backward compatibility, Xbox One cannot function without Kinect, the possibility of being unable to play video games if you are not connected to the internet (the Microsoft PR just keeps tip-toeing around this one, so that might confirm it all together, really), the xbox never truly shuts down since it's ready to power up when it hears "xbox ON", etc. We don't ONLY know the stuff from this post thus far.

  • Revrevs Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    It's a stupid name.

  • Locked Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Hey Dumon, Dumon ya you. Forza 5 -shades-

  • Waari Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I will wait for E3 to make up my mind which console I will purchase. Right now I am leaning towards the PS4...I am surprised that the quite unimpressive PS4 announcement shadowed the Xbox One...one.

    PS: The name is stupid. Original Xbox - Xbox 360 - Xbox One - Xbox ?

  • Zack Wheat Avatar
    Zack Wheat
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I dunno, guys, the Xbox One has five billion transistors. Obviously that means it's... something. I guess this is where they plugged in the term "game-changer" and put those two words up on a big screen.

    This was not a particularly strong debut.

  • Katherine Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    The Live TV thing isn't really that new, I have a SKY + HD World Package for UK Sat which allows me to watch some channels Live or On Demand with the SKY App on the XBOX 360. I suppose the new XBOX One is going to be more useful to me as it will have this sort of seemless transition from Game to TV - but I'm not so thrilled at the Kinect always ON function =/ Maybe I'll have to throw a blanket over it when I'm sleeping