
New games every week; every week new, sweet, entertaining, brain-rotting video games. So many in fact, that we often forget those "gems" behind during our end-year deliberations. Not anymore. Each week, I'll be highlighting my favorite game released; this way: the commenters have a target to flame, I have some notes for end-year headaches, and we all have fun!

These last two weeks have been crazy, for me.  Boston’s streets were terrorized the week prior and this weekend I came down with a bronchiole-infection. Needless to say, games have not been the most prominent thought in my mind. But I did play something worth noting and decided The Weekly must go on, regardless of my health.

The following game should make up for the lack of the feature, these past two-weeks.

‘Papers, Please’ is an indie-game - on PC/MAC - that very much reminds me of Cart Life. It’s more interesting than engaging, and really invokes reflective-thought about immigration, how the borders across this planet are handling protection of its people, and how hard truly ‘locking-down’ all threats to our country will be. Yes, in Papers, Please you play an immigrations-agent inspecting papers at the border.

Just play it. It’s free, and really interesting. 

Play 'Papers, Please' here!

Support 'Paper, Please' on Steam's Greenlight Here!


  • Zladko Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    This game is sweet. Wish the beta was longer.

  • Absolutely Daft Avatar
    Absolutely Daft
    11 years, 10 months ago


  • Moom Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I have been interested in this game since I first heard it on I believe the Idol Thumbs podcast. Since I don't have a good enough computer I watched someone do a letsplay of it and thought it was sweet. I checked out the creators site and found he had a prequel of sorts called "The Republia Times" I urge you to play it since it can be played on a browser. I know Seisan tried it out as well and enjoyed it. I'd love to hear a discussion on these two games.