
og:image:, EA, the consumerist, 4Player

The Consumerist, host of the annual Worst Company In America "competition," has responded to Electronic Arts CFO Peter Moore's blog post in defense of EA with a scathing breakdown of how he is missing the point or ducking responsibility altogether.

For the uninitiated, EA is a strong contender in the WCIA poll, currently battling it out for first with Bank of America. Moore felt the need to respond to this on the EA blog, which is a reasonable response, as addressing the general public's concerns with a responsible and thorough examination of their points is something more business leaders should do.

As of this writing, Peter Moore is still not one of those business leaders.

The Consumerist's response is absolutely worth a read, as the statistics they pull upon from the comments of dissatisfied customers voting for EA in the poll are fascinating. Moore's declaration that among the top complaints are EA's (admittedly progressive) support of LGBT characters in games is seen as completely unfounded, with The Consumerist responding:

"EA received hundreds of nominations from Consumerist readers this year, by far the most of any contender in the bracket, but not a single one mentioned anything about sexual orientation."

Looks like Moore has a long way to go before winning over the gaming community.


  • Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    I'm actually surprised they won it for a second year now...

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    Oh Peter Moore just shut the fuck up (honestly there is not a nicer way to see this).

  • HurlockHolmes Avatar
    11 years, 9 months ago

    I don't like EA, but they are hardly worse then BoA. EA may have ruined your favorite game franchises, and even liquidated your favorite developers, but they didn't actually ever ruin anybodies lives.

    I am not trying to defend them either, I absolutely refuse to buy anything from them, I haven't bought a EA published game in over two years. If they have something even remotely interesting I will just watch it on youtube or through some other sort media outlet, so long as it doesn't contribute to them.

    Though I have to say, them using the LGTB community as a shield from valid criticism is comedy gold in itself and the best entertainment I have seen out of them in a long time.