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Things aren't looking so good for Xbox fans who lack internet connections which are working 100% of the time. Paul Thurrott is at it again, this time confirming what he had said in his What the Tech podcast weeks ago while also throwing in a few more details.
Let's get this out of the way first: "The next Xbox must be Internet-connected to use." There it is. Thurrott claims that the requirement "isn’t as Draconian as many seem to believe", but this seems ignorant of the fact that the problem with a device that must be Internet-connected to use is that the device must be Internet-connected to use.
Other details are introduced, such as the console having an early November release date and that it is built on the base version of Windows 8, which is an interesting choice, but there's another detail people might skim over which really irks me:
Microsoft will initially offer two pricing models for the console: a standalone version for $499 and a $299 version that requires a two-year Xbox LIVE Gold commitment at an expected price of $10 per month.
Wait, what? You can buy a console for $500 or you can buy a console for $300 which requires you to submit to a 24-month Gold contract at $10 a month? That sounds impossible, and fiscally irresponsible. Also, does this mean that Gold as a whole will become a $10-a-month service, cranking its price up to $120 per year? If this is the case, they had better come out with some impressive features to make up for it, because right now I don't find Gold worth the $50 it's currently asking for.
11 years, 10 months ago
Welp, goodbye 360 exclusives, I'll never know you (if this turns out to be true) .
Not that I'd probably ever know them either way. I ain't got the money for this shit.
Guess I'll keep an eye on PS4, maybe even get one a few years down the line. Probably not though.
11 years, 10 months ago
If that's the case, looks like I'm getting a ps4 or a gaming pc.
11 years, 10 months ago
As a developer that Windows 8 base perked my interest. This means that it should be near trivial to write a game for Windows 8 (arguably maybe 7 as well) *and* the next gen Xbox _at_the_same_time_. This of course means that PC ports of Xbox games should be an easy thing; which also means you don't need to buy into the next gen console at all and simply stick with your PC.
11 years, 10 months ago
Not a good sign. I'll keep my 360 and keep an eye on the PS4. If this indeeds to be true, i have a feeling this will backlash on Microsoft.
11 years, 10 months ago
Well, at least they have the idea of charging either 500 off the get go or paying 540 in the long run. If you can't get the money right now, then at least they have the idea of paying a little more over a longer period. Of course, I'm still wondering if you'd have to pay for XBL with the $500 pricetag one or if the paying for XBL is only for the $300 with payment plan.
11 years, 10 months ago
I said this earlier to someone.
they are going to lose a lot of customers if this is correct
$10 a month for xbox live gold membership
and its not backwards compatible
good lord
microsoft = money hungry
11 years, 10 months ago
I guess I don't really understand this whole "The next Xbox must be Internet-connected to use." gag. I can go right now and unplug my internet connection (ethernets) from my devices and guess what...they work just fine, games are still playable, while certain "online features" require an active connection to use that is understandable for being "always connected" when you want to use them. Marketplace content, Apps, Gold Membership etc... REQUIRE active internet connections. That doesn't mean it's required to play games or enjoy a new console (as its highly doubtful all content will be online only).
With an XBox 360 and an active internet connection you can access a LOT of online content which is only accessible in that manner, and without the active internet connection the console still plays games, movies, etc... just "online" features are disabled (obviously).......
Sure, if you want to enjoy some multiplayer, video, apps, etc. Then yes, of course you would need an internet connection, how else would you be able to do all that? But if you want to enjoy the bare console, than not having an active internet connection will (should) not keep that from happening, it just doesn't seem logical. Especially from a money pit such as Microsoft.
I honestly see there being no changes to the current way things are handled. If you have an internet connection or not. You can still buy a console and acquire system updates through a few ways Install from a game disc, a USB Flash Drive, burning to a CD or DVD data disc, etc......
Rumors shouldn't even be a source of information in video game news, it just gets speculations rising and more rumors started. ):
All in all, who knows what May 21st will bring, I just don't really want a Kinect mandatory in the console. The worst! >.<
I have already chosen to check out what the PC has to offer this year, but I won't be shutting consoles out until some official news is announced. Hurry May 21~
11 years, 10 months ago
Oh boy, here we go again~ ROLLERCOASTERS
11 years, 10 months ago
Thank you to Microsoft for making my next console purchase decision so much easier. Here I come Sony!
11 years, 10 months ago
11 years, 10 months ago
This is a hard sell for me, especially with how accessible PC games in general are frequently becoming compared to the start of the current gen. $10 a month for the cheaper model doesn't make me think any better for the pricier model.
11 years, 10 months ago
Can't wait for the reveal to see how much of these rumors are true. Though part of me wants these to be true since I didn't want to buy another microsoft console.
11 years, 9 months ago
Everyone should just do the smart thing and buy/build a gaming PC. It's what I did a few year ago, best choice I've made, now my 360 gathers dust....
11 years, 9 months ago
The sounds of gaming leaders shifting is a dismal thing indeed. Oh well, PS4 here we come, hopefully.