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Fans of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, rejoice. Your "Jetstream" DLC pack, starring the totally awesome Jetstream Sam, is here.
Joseph referred to the game in his review as "a fantastic inclusion to the Metal Gear universe, and a great action game," though it is "slightly below par with Platinum's better games." I'd have to agree. Metal Gear Rising is an absolute blast, and stands among my favorite Platinum releases, but a tiny bit more polish and a longer campaign would have pushed it over the edge for me. (and that camera! ugh! -ed. Joseph) That said, I've racked up more than a few hours going back with better equipment on harder difficulties... I digress.
More content is here. Let us slice and dice with further glee.
11 years, 9 months ago
Sweet I didn't even know there was DLC for this looking forward to going back to play more Rising.
11 years, 9 months ago
I played it. It honestly feels like a copy and paste of the main game. Not many new things were added.