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To all of you who have fallen in love with Naughty Dog since they introduced us to Nathan Drake back in 2007, I have some news that will please you. The Last of Us, the latest effort from the famed studio, is shaping up to be one hell of a game. Kris and myself were able to get some hands-on time with the game this evening and despite the rather unusual circumstances of the demo, we both walked away thoroughly impressed.
The demo we were shown was not only a brand new environment but also the first demo that focused on combat with "the infected" creatures (creatures that had only been teased in previous promotional material). The demo introduced a new female character named Tess that has teamed up with Joel and Ellie as they battle their way through the rubble of a destroyed office building. The demo was carefully constructed to show off everything from the methodical pacing to the inventory/crafting system to the heart-pounding combat with some truly fearsome enemies.
The "zombies" in The Last of Us are people who have been infected by a fungus (known in the real world as Cordyceps). The effect is truly unlike anything I have ever seen before and will likely be remembered as one of the truly original enemy characters that the medium has seen this generation. Corpses strewn throughout the world display various degrees of infection with several bodies actually taking root and becoming one with the walls and floors. The demo featured two distinct enemy types; each with their own set of behaviors and weaknesses. The more common enemy, known as Runners, closely resemble the infected from films such as 28 Days Later and even the more recent Resident Evil games. The other enemy-type, known as Clickers, are hideous mutations that can not see but instead hunt their prey using echolocation. Clickers are fewer in number but much tougher to bring down in combat. The enemy types are interesting but it is the other mechanics that are born as a result that I think will make The Last of Us an experience unlike any other.
I Am Alive was a game that we applauded in our end-of-the-year awards last year thanks to it's brave portrayal of a world without hope and the mechanics that were born from that concept. Ammunition was a rarity and survival was the name of the game. It was not a game about combat but instead about doing whatever it took to survive. I am pleased to report that The Last of Us just might be another game that is willing to explore that very same concept. Making it through the environment alive means being smart with every step you take and using various objects in the environment (bricks, bottles, etc...) to create distractions that might lead to a window of opportunity. Combat scenarios are never intentionally instigated which creates a genuine sense of panic and desperation when your cover is blown.
While ammunition is still a rarity in The Last of Us, it doesn't quite take it as far as I Am Alive. Here, a clip of ammo (5 - 6 shots) is fairly common but when enemies number in the dozens, inventory management still ranks high on your list of priorities. The item crafting system allows you to find various items throughout the game and combine them to create tools, health kits, and possibly even weapons. Combine all this with the constant sense of responsibility I felt for keeping an eye on my companions and it's easy to see why I think The Last of Us is a much more complex game than Uncharted in terms of its mechanics.
In the end, the demo felt tight and seamless in it's presentation. The story and characters look to be on par with what we have come to expect from Naughty Dog and I am already completely invested in the relationship between Joel and Ellie. Having seen how interactions with both human enemies and infected will play out, I feel that The Last of Us will deliver a varied and immensely satisfying experience. The demo we played was in the pre-alpha stages but with a few months of development left, The Last of Us seems poised to be one of this year's biggest releases.
For those of you attending PAX East in a few weeks, it is believed that this demo will be playable on the show floor (and shortly their after for those of you who pick up God of War Ascension) and in case I wasn't clear, it is a game that you shouldn't miss. How do you feel about The Last of Us? What are your hopes and concerns as we approach the game's imminent release?
The Last of Us launches on the Playstation 3 on June 14, 2013.
11 years, 10 months ago
Sounds like it is going to be a great game! Been meaning to buy a PS3 and this might be a perfect time.
11 years, 10 months ago
So glad to hear this, this game looks to be perhaps the best this year has to offer.
11 years, 10 months ago
god damn it now I'm excited
11 years, 10 months ago
Well, PS4 doesn't look like it's gonna play PS3 games physically OR digitally (apparently hardware is too different...?) so if the PS3 drops in price this may be one of those exclusives that I pick up.
Also I like how they're only showing a full demo to us right before the release. Unlike Tomb Raider, as they were showing us footage from 2011 and two years later... I don't know. I guess I felt almost over saturated in the game already. But The Last of Us I haven't seen all over the place in terms of trailers, so yeah. This game ought to offer a few surprises.
11 years, 10 months ago
How do you feel about the aiming Nick? I know you weren't a fan of the Uncharted style of pointing your guns to shoot dudes.
11 years, 10 months ago
There's only one game which made me seriously consider buying a PS3 and that was Demon's Souls after playing Dark Souls. But this looks fantastic I have to say and the kind of game that would tempt me.
(Uncharted also interests me but so many games seem to be going the uncharted path anyway like Tomb Raider)
Is this going to be only on the PS3 or might it get a PS4 'upgrade' and launched on there?
11 years, 10 months ago
It's good to hear you enjoyed the demo. I wasn't so sure about the whole enemies with the fungus thing, but there are "Clickers" that use echolocation? That kind of creeps me out. I can't wait to try this out.
11 years, 10 months ago
can't wait.
11 years, 10 months ago
I've been keeping my eye on this game since day one. Something about it really stood out to me. It looks like a very well thought out game in terms of mechanics and plot. I'm happy to hear that everything seems solid. Despite the line I'll have to endure at PAX, I'm definitely going to get my hands on the game.
11 years, 10 months ago
I read the clickers can do one-hit kills that will add to the tension to the infected sections can't wait to play it myself
11 years, 10 months ago
One thing I always liked about the Uncharted-series was the voice acting, and from the trailers it looks to hold up in this game aswell. But Nick, how was the voice acting duirng gameplay?