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Mentioned briefly on my previous blog post, Hades 2 is a Brazilian FPS made by Espaco Informatica. You know, the guys behind Thoroughbred Tycoon and Winguel. No? Well in Brazil they're a big deal and apparently domestically developed FPS games were considered big news back in 2000. In fact Hades 2 became so popular that its developers released it for free in 2009 for its ten year anniversary! Do you like free games? I like free games, but is it worth your time? It sure as hell is!
Hades 2 is developed in the Build engine, and yes they somehow made it look shittier than the first Duke 3D. How they managed this feat in the year 2001 is a complete mystery to me. Why the game is called Hades 2 without a backstory or evidence of a Hades 1 is an even further mystery. I guess I'll leave that to the Brazilian developers. If you can ignore the fact that this game looks like ass, is an apparent Quake 2 clone, and runs on a fixed frame rate of molasses, it's not half bad.
Hades 2 can be played in two different resolutions: 800x600 and 640x480 and can be played in both Portuguese or English. There are several alien scum enemy type, weapons, beer, busty babes, and objectives to keep the player interested enough to continue your alien curb stomping adventures for one whole evening! Now I haven't figured out how to run this game on a Windows 7 OS without a WWRUN.EXE error however it worked perfectly fine on my Windows XP system. If anyone can figure out that little mystery I will award you with nothing and credit it as my own discovery. ;P
Click here for the full freeware download
*press alt+F4 in game to enable mouse view*
11 years, 11 months ago
Revs, you be moving up in the world article by article. Brings a tear to my eye
11 years, 11 months ago
This actually doesn't look too bad when compared to Duke 3D and Hades 2 has Keanu Reeves in it. Except than Duke was released in '96 not 2000. Just a few games that were released prior to Hades 2: Quake 1 - 3, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament. Halo came out just one year after Hades 2.