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So last week, Sony finally unveiled the Playstation 4 and effectively kick started the next-generation of console gaming. Some might argue that the Wii U was the first out the gate but given the platform's current-generation specs, Sony and Microsoft still effectively dictate when the true cycle begins anew. Sony held a big press conference on February 20th for the offical unveiling and in typical E3 conference fashion, the event was kind of a chore to watch. Luckily there was enough information spewing from this event on both the hardware and software sides that there is no shortage of topics to discuss.
We have had so much going on, we haven't had much time to talk amongst ourselves about the big news so let's take a look at what we learned and see what the community has to say about it.
What we Know:
- The PS4 is official and is being released during the 2013 Holiday Season (I would put money on a November release)
- The Dual Shock 4 controller (pictured above) was announced and features a touch pad front-and-center along with a "share button" that will give players easy access to social and streaming functionality as well as a headphone jack.
- The PS4 is being touted as "Gamer Focused and Developer Inspired" - The hardware is built in such a way that it promotes accessibility for developers unlike the troublesome Cell Processor from the PS3.
- Remember Gaikai and their recent acquisition by Sony? Gaikai was crucial in the development of the streaming functionality that will allow players to share their gameplay with their friends in real time. (Sony wasn't entirely clear on how the streaming will work but they seemed to imply that you will be able to stream to friends and people you invite; it doesn't seem like it will be trying to replace Twitch)
- The PS4 will feature Move and PS Eye functionality. (Yay - I cant wait to play Joust in HD)
- The unit will be able to stream PS4 games to the Playstation Vita and allow you to play them on the go. This sounds awesome if it works as easy as they make it sound (it probably wont... at first).
- The PS4 is NOT Backwards compatible with PS1/PS2/PS3 games but will able to stream them from the Cloud. No word yet on whether there is a way to determine which games you already own... i'm guess not.
- Technical Specifications (as released by Sony) are as follows:
A price and official release date have yet to be shown. My guess is that they will be making the final announcements at E3 this year along with a bunch of new software and launch title announcements. It also appears they will be holding out until then to show off the actual unit considering we have only seen the controller at this point. Either way, its a pretty exciting prospect and I am pretty eager for the release of this new hardware. A boring event to watch for sure but an otherwise technologically sound piece of technology (or so it seems for now). What did you think of the unveiling? What does Microsoft have to do to win you over and possibly topple the PS3? Don't forget to tune in tomorrow night for the weekly podcast recording as I am sure it will be a major point of conversation!
My Score: B+
Look for another post tomorrow morning featuring all of the software announcements, trailers, etc.
12 years ago
I have to say I am not at all surprised by any of the announcements that were made at the conference. They were addressing all the rational (or at least for now seemingly rational) moves that they should be making. Their clear focus on being accessible to everyone and addressing the problems that they were having really was a good thing to hear considering how manny problems they had been having with the PS3. The only thing I wish was that they would actually demo the console itself. We got a few glimpses of the interface here and there but none of it actually looked final. Overall I felt it was good for an announcement of a new consoles. I must say that my interest has been caught and will be following this for a while. Grade? I suppose a solid 4 out of 5.
Take that letter grades!
12 years ago
You can't give the PS4 a B+! What will its Asian mother say?!
12 years ago
I was extremely impressed. Sony's focus was games, something I was not expecting. I was incredibly disappointed by the PS3 this generation, and was generally an Xbox user, but almost everything they mentioned about the PS4 seemed to fix all my issues, especially the controller! Tech sounds fantastic, games sounded promising, presentation was good. It was everything I hoped for, and can't wait for more in E3! Ball's in Microsoft's court now, they have some good competition. Wouldn't have thought I'd say that a month ago.
12 years ago
All in all, I'm impressed by the specs and the potential of the hardware, and basically, as long as they can back it up with the software end of things (I was pretty underwhelmed by what they showed for the most part, at least pertaining to my interests), I'm sold.
12 years ago
I thought it was kinda meh. some of the stuff they showed seemed a bit gimmicky and I also found it incredibly strange that they didn't show the unit itself. It was also pretty funny that Sony seems to think "sharing screen shots" is the what all the kids are doing these days and uploading gameplay footage is something totally new and original. That said, i'm looking forward to seeing what games come out for the system. Hopefully we'll see a new Jak and Dexter (however unlikely that is) and Ratchet and Clank.
It also makes me curious to see what Microsoft is planning for their next-gen console. If they actually show what it looks like then they might be able to steal the spotlight from Sony, assuming they show off some interesting first party games without the words "Halo" or "Gears" in the title.
12 years ago
Them not showing the console itself is strange from a marketing perspective. They've said they 'still want something to surprise' consumers, or something along those lines.
But, doods, imagine this: what if they've ALREADY shown the console? Imagine if the PS4 IS the little eye-camera-sensor-bar they've been showing off, and the controllers were all wireless and connected to it. That'd be DAMN sweet. Won't happen, but it'd be amazing if it did.
12 years ago
I was actually pleasantly surprised by the whole conference. It was pretty enjoyable. I'm looking forward to more info on the PS4.
12 years ago
I thought the conference was so-so, but enjoyable. It really feels like they're tempting consumers with the same gimmicks as this generation though. Sony still hasn't given up on it gimmicks already made like the move and eye. I agree that more will be revealed at E3.
When it comes to Microsoft's press conference, Microsoft will still continue to sell the Xbox and the next-gen Xbox as an entertainment device. I know they will continue to sell us on that smart glass what not, and of course, the fucking Kinect. I think there is a slight, but small chance Microsoft may declare improved gaming capabilities for the smart glass and have the 360 become a Wii-U in its final years because its gimmicky, fuck it. I think Microsoft will hold off on giving details on the new console.
In the end I think Microsoft and Sony are going to be equal rivals pound for pound. However I think the problem is like how Jim Sterling put it, that they are using this gen's bullshit tactics to sell the next generation of console gaming.
12 years ago
Isn't 8GBs of GDDR5 substantial? I was surprised.
12 years ago
I was a bit disappointed in some aspects (such as Sony not showcasing the console) but overall I enjoyed it and look forward to the next gen and what the ps4 has to offer.
12 years ago
The conference seem kind of dull and maybe they should have shown the actual console instead of just the controller.
I'm interested in hearing more about the whole play a game while downloading etc. stuff, seems like a really good idea.
Since I'm a PC gamer I didn't really see anything to convert me to console gaming in this conference tbh.
Might get a PS3 and/or 360 at a later time (for Uncharted, Bayonetta and some other cool console exclusive games).
12 years ago
It sounds fine enough but no backwards compatibility? The lack of ps1 games is blasphemy in any gamers world.
12 years ago
The tech is impressive, but with the exception of Watch Dogs and The Witness (which we already knew about) there wasn't anything game-wise that looked particularly enticing.
Killzone Shadow Fall looked liked the same old stagnant FPS bullshit with a new coat of paint. Destiny looks just as dull as Halo. Knack looks cute but it's hard to gauge how engaging it will be to play as a game. Then there's a car sim game, Capcom's Deep Down (another dark fantasy game with dragons, right, because we've been in such short supply of them over the last few years) and David Cage's bizarre old man head.
What I hope is that the PS4 will cultivate a great indie scene, and we'll get more interesting, left-field titles like The Witness if indie devs are well supported.
12 years ago
Wish they would have gone with Navida over AMD, AMD products in my experience seem to ware down much quicker then Navida. The card itself for the GPU is powerful though, same with the processor, so thats a good start. I won't feel like my computer blows it out of the water anymore.
12 years ago
It was an entertaining presentation though perhaps not always for the reasons Sony wanted.
Speaking for myself this has been such a long generation I had just about decided to take the plunge and buy either the PS4 or new Xbox on launch. (and I don't tend to buy consoles on launch) Then I saw the PS4 presentation.
Now it's going to have to take a hell of an Xbox presentation to persuade me to buy on launch and unless it's hugely different to the Sony one I can see myself waiting now.
It's not that the Sony specs were disappointing, quite the opposite. They look pretty beefy to me. It's not that Sony don't appear to have grasped that you have to get live internet features right. I'd say it looks like they have learned their lessons thus far. It's about games. Games, games, games. I'm not buying a console as a hub, that's a bonus, I'm buying it to play great next gen games.
And on the games front it was very underwhelming, for me anyway. Watch Dogs looks very enticing but we knew about it and that's not going to make me want a console, particularly with the new GTA coming. Deep Down looked good to me but again that's not going to sell me the console on what I've seen thus far. The rest I really didn't care much about gameswise.
Sony and Microsoft need to get a killer launch lineup AND to keep it going to stop a drought immediately afterwards. They do that and they'll sell far more consoles. They don't and a lot of people are going to wait.
Presentation 6/10. Far more to do for Sony.
12 years ago
Why didn't they just use a hyperthreaded quad?
12 years ago
I'm liking what I've seen so far but I'll need to see more for them to hook me. Many have complained about the controller and the touch-pad and how it's useless. While it could be considered gimmicky all it takes is one game to do it right for me. Just like with Six-axis this generation. A lot of games didn't use it right or would make racing controllable with it, which is a lame way to utilize it.
Two games that did it right: Mgs4. Something as simple as removing your octocamo in an instant was a nice thing to have, especially during cut scenes. Koji Pro is always good at using these gimmicks in interesting ways.
Another game that used it right was Resistance: FoM. Loved playing this game online when the ps3 first came out (the times before the Call of Duty shooter). Well you could catch fire is someone threw an airfuel nade or used a flamethrower on you. The six-axis was used to remove the flames by just shaking it off. It was intense trying to put out a flame while having a shootout with someone at the same time. Just these two games alone gives me some hope to the touchpad. I hope that the developers get creative enough with it and not just use it the way Uncharted Golden Abyss did (cut the vines by swiping!).
The conference as a whole was nice but I wasn't expecting to be on the edge of my seat. I haven't expected that from a game conference in a while. It's always the announcements that happen afterwards or the games I know are coming that get me excited. I do wish they showed the UI. I'm half expecting an updated version of the XMB, but we'll see~
12 years ago
Sony was probably holding out on their pricing to see if Microsoft goes in first. That way they can match them, or even aim lower. I've got a feeling that one of these console may end up being heavily subsidized at launch, especially if the system specs end up being only a hair apart.
And to be fair to the lack of new games or IPs getting showcased, I think this announcement was targeted more at developers and publishers than it was at the general gaming public. Sony was really pushing a "develop for us we have the proper resources to accommodate you this time" message throughout the conference in addition to touting self publishing to the indie crowd.
Creating the "content of your dreams" was the major theme being echoed by their first party developers like Media Molecule, Evolution Studios and some third parties like Quantic. Take what you will from it, Sony has been dabbling with projects that create user generated content for a couple of years now, my question is what if they implement a system similar to the Steam workshop? Or announce a partnership with Valve and bring such access to PS4 copies of TF2/Dota2/Portal2/L4D2 (I'm sensing a pattern here, Valve) via the Steam Workshop itself?
Minecraft, Little Big Planet and Trials: Evolution have all proven how profitable user generated content can be. People like to create things, even if they don't inherently think themselves to be creative. I've got a feeling this may play a major role in the coming generation and wouldn't be surprised if Sony resonates a theme similar to this at their E3 conference. I think this has a chance to be the next 'indie-development' phenomenon. Individuals creating content for a game and selling it through a publisher's network to other players. Think microtransactions, but on a peer-to-peer level. This steady stream of user content would let the devs work on new projects instead of forcing them to split their resources for post-release DLC support and early prep work for their next title. The developer extends the life of their product, the content creators earn a few bucks on the side and the end user gets an expanded experience. Anyway, I digress.
I'd say the announcement itself was a solid B. They showcased their target specs, threw some tech demos out, explained the philosophy behind the system architectural, clarified the backwards compatibility issue, highlighted the additions they've made to the PSN to expand the social experience and laid out their plans to pave the way forward with streaming digital services. Nothing too special, a little bit ambitious on the streaming side, but at least they aren't shooting for the moon with their hardware like they did with the Cell last time around. Looking forward to more concrete details in the coming months.
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