A new hardware wouldn't amount to much without some nice software announcements to go with it! Here are the trailers that made headlines during the PS4 Announcement event. We will be discussing them on the show this evening:

Watch Dogs

Officially confirmed for a release on next-gen hardware, Watch Dogs was demonstrated live and was supposedly running on the PS4 hardware at the event. A lot of this is rehashing what got us so excited when it was announced at E3 last year but it doesn't matter... the game looks fresh in more ways than one. The sad thing is that I will likely be holding out to play this game on the PS4 so if it doesn't release day-and-date with other platforms, I may be a little late to the party. 


A new puzzle/platforming IP for the PS4 that honestly seems more like a tech demo than anything else. The game reminds me of a throw-away platformer that is destined for the bargain bin within a year of the hardware launch. That doesn't mean it can't have some merit though. I'll go ahead and compare it to Kameo which was a well made game at the end of the day. 

Killzone: Shadows Fall

A Sony Hardware launch wouldn't amount to much without a new Killzone game. This series has honestly never done it for me. They are technical marvels to be sure but they universe was too dark (even for my tastes!). I'm glad to see them inject some daylight and colors other than gray and dark gray into the mix. 

The Witness

Braid is a game I will never forget. Jonathan Blow is a difficult person to get behind thanks to his brash nature but he is a gaming visionary to be certain. The game looks to be shaping up nicely and the music is fantastic. Not sure what the PS4 will do to make the experience any different than other platforms but the game is certainly one that we will cover extensively. 

Infamous: Second Son

I knew we would be getting more inFamous but for some reason, it never occurred to me that it would be one of the first games used to push the PS4. I adored Infamous 1 and 2 and am eager to see where they take the next one from a gameplay and technical perspective. For now, i'll settle for this gorgeous teaser trailer. 

Panta Rhei' engine - New Capcom IP / Engine

Er-ma-gerd! They said Onimusha in a sentence! Don't speak his name unless you plan on bringing it back bitches! But I digress though. Capcom has announced a new engine, code-named Panta Rhei and used it to tease a new IP (Deep Down - Working Title) running on the PS4. As technically impressive as it is, I can't help but feel like we are getting another Dragon's Dogma... that isn't Dragon's Dogma. Not sure what they have up their sleeve but I have faith considering their new IP recently has been pretty impressive... certainly better than they the way they have handled the Resident Evil franchise. 

Tune in tonight at 7:30PM (CST) to hear our impressions of these announcements and our predictions regarding the newly announced PS4. (Podcast will be available for download on Thursday)


  • Avatar
    Bob Webb
    11 years, 11 months ago

    If the final product of Deep Down looks anything like the "concept demo" then I'm gonna want it. Deep Down. My Pants.

  • TheBradMan Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    The graphics are impressive to be sure, but I also hope they'll be able to make the games more seamless and not just look pretty.

  • Moblyn Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Other then Killzone, I am very excited for all of the announced games. Including Diablo 3 since my PC is crap and we get local Co Op

  • Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    On their Facebook page, Capcom posted that Deep Down was set in the Dragon's Dogma universe but the post was taken down.

  • Locked Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    No DriveClub information? I am ashamed......