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Feast your eyes on this bad boy! Coming out of the Nintendo Direct event today is a wealth of exciting Zelda news! Wind Waker, a generational classic and fan favorite within the Zelda series is getting an HD Remake (not a port) to the WiiU and will be hitting store shelves as soon as Fall 2013! Read that again... Wind Waker is being REMADE (Screenshot Above). This news can't be more exciting but I can only hope that it isn't tainted by some unpolished and unnecessary motion control mechanics.
In other Zelda news, Nintendo took the opportunity to reveal to the world that a brand new Zelda title for the WiiU is in development. No surprise there but I hope that by announcing its existence now, they might be prepared to show us something at E3 this year. Men can dream right?
What do you think about all this? It has been difficult to justify my purchase of the WiiU up to this point and these announcements (plus a bunch of other big announcements today) are making it much more appealing as a new console.
12 years ago
Because what Wind Waker really needed in the graphics department was all that bloom. Yep.
12 years ago
I don't know, dude. A port of one of the weakest main Zelda games is not a system justifying announcement to me and those other games don't seem that exciting either. I honestly don't see a future for this console unless the price of developing for the "next-generation" is so ridiculous that smaller teams can't do shit with this newer hardware. Nintendo would probably profit off of getting behind independent development if they want to broaden their library outside of the first party stuff we know they'll have.
12 years ago
Hmm I think I prefer the more stylish look of the original.
12 years ago
Sorry for the mess that I just made
12 years ago
I loved it until I saw the character renditions. The scenery of the islands looks amazing and I can't wait to see how sailing on the ocean looks. But Link and Tetra...I don't know how I feel about how they look uber cartoony, and that's saying something since the original look is cartoony as it is. Or maybe it's just been a while, so what I see in my head and what actually is may be rather different...
12 years ago
I have no problem with Wind Waker getting a remake, it's one of my favorite Legend of Zelda games, but I don't own a Wii U, or not yet anyway. This game would be one of the reason for me to pick up a Wii U now.
12 years ago
Holy shit. Well, I was leaning to getting a Wii U before, but I think that solidifies it for me. It looks amazing, and I think I just jizzed in my pants.
12 years ago
I don't get too interested in HD remakes for games I already have. Nothing is stoping me from plugging in my gamecube, which I already have done since i'm playing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles again. I don't see myself owning two copies of the same game, regardless of graphics update. If Nintendo does master quest-like dungeons, that would be cool.
12 years ago
This game looks...... Colorful. But I'll have to wait for this game to come out to judge it. If it ends up being amazing, I'll buy the Wii U lol.
12 years ago
Suddenly I want a Wii U. *Looks at price and game lineup* Suddenly I just want Wind Waker HD
12 years ago
Well I don't own a copy of WW and this looks like another purchase for those that might have missed this game the first time around.
12 years ago
It's a shame there's so little to look at.
Wind Waker: Three towns and a vast expanse of nothingness. that doesn't exactly scream for an HD remake, if you ask me.
Also bloombloombloombloombloombloombloom.
12 years ago
I'm not big on many of the 3D Zelda games, but Wind Waker is an exception. I really dig the game so I'm not complaining if they wanna re-release it in HD. Not to mention it looks like they're going the extra mile and completely updating the visuals. Though with how good Wind Waker already looks, I probably wouldn't have even minded if they just upscaled the resolution and textures, it still would have been gorgeous.
12 years ago
Original Wind Waker will always look good because almost every color in that game was hand-picked and controlled like art. When you throw a bunch of lighting effects on it, you're giving control of the colors over to a soulless computer. Sure, a human has to sign off on it, but in these cases, "good enough" (not bugging the fuck out) is usually "good enough".
What are they even going for with this new style? They look like plastic toys. I think this just goes to show that Nintendo just doesn't "get it" anymore and plans to milk their cash cows dry with whatever requires the least risk or creativity.
12 years ago
Agh, the bloom, my eyes. Oh hey, shadows.
WW was alright, but I was Majora's Mask (on the Wii U). I know it's fake.
12 years ago
I loved Wind Waker! It is my favorite Zelda game and this almost makes me want to get a WiiU.... Almost
12 years ago
I loved Wind Waker, but all that bloom....
12 years ago
Hello jaded gamers. My name is John, and I am excited for this game.
12 years ago
Wow now I am seriously considering getting a Wii U.
12 years ago
Those characters just look awful. I can't believe someone thought that's okay. Not even going to consider buying a remake of my favourite Zelda if they plan to fuck it up like this.
12 years ago
Great buggering Gods the bloom @__@
Anyway, I might just get a Wii-U for this game, I loved the combat style and characters for Wind Waker.