
Game enthusiasts have a tendency to look down their noses at CG trailers by claiming that developers use them to build hype while keeping the important content obscured. Capcom has taken a slightly different approach with DmC by waiting to release the CG trailer last. By now, players have had plenty of content to digest and make their own call as to the legitimacy of the controversial Devil May Cry reboot.

For people like myself who have been sold on the premise for quite some time, this trailer is simply icing on the cake. Too bad this is probably going to end up being another beautiful CG cinematic that will never grace the disc. Why can't developers simply use these trailers to spruce up their start screens (ala Dragon Age 2)? I hope i'm wrong because this trailer left me incredibly excited to play the final release on January 15, 2013.

Now excuse me while I jump back into the demo again...


  • Pokop Avatar
    12 years ago

    Either they got a new voice actor or made that original, slurring voice actor enunciate his lines properly this time.

  • Pokop Avatar
    12 years ago

    Predicting it now. DmC final boss: Global Warming.

  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    This is new? I saw this trailer already.