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Studio Ghibli & Level-5's charming JRPG has finally arrived states-side, and Nolan & Jeff sat down to discuss their initial impressions of the game. Yup, it's another Audible Impression!
Audible Impression: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch [Download]
12 years ago
Amazing game, good on you guys for covering this game. This is not even a game I expected to love as much as I am but it is easily one of my favorite if not my favorite RPG of all time. From the build of the game to the dialogue and the environments everything clicks!
12 years ago
I've yet to consider where Kuni will sit on my all-time lists, but in recent's faring well with me. Im not sure it can take the cake on Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, or 7. Still...a great way to open the gates on JRPGs this year.
12 years ago
I'm considering getting a PS3 for this game. Looks and sounds really fun!
12 years ago
Great audible impressions! I would love to play Ni no Kuni, but I don't have a ps3. However Level 5's ps2 classic, Rouge Galaxy is just so fucking good and I remember how much I loved the 1st Dark Cloud. Level 5 are starting to become one my favorite developers
12 years ago
To those of you without a PS3: consider backloggin this one until you can scoop a PS3 for cheap, during the next-gen.
12 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed that. Good job guys.
11 years, 12 months ago
Awesome Audible Impressions guys, will be on the lookout for this one.
11 years, 12 months ago
It still suprises me that this game isnt more westernized. Givin ghibli's popularity i still found this to be very much a JRPG without much thought as too a western audience, but that was just my opinion.