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DmC has finally arrived! It has survived the harsh onslaught of skeptics and has turned out to be a surprise hit among critics! Jeff and Nick spend some time discussing their initial thoughts on the game thus far.
DmC Devil May Cry - [download]
12 years, 1 month ago
Why no Brad, I thought he played it aswell?
12 years, 1 month ago
Hey Nick did you hear that they are going to be releasing an old Dante skin pack in Japan first and maybe NA/EU later. What are your thoughts?
12 years, 1 month ago
Only thing I don't like about this game is the engine it's run on. Everything else I'm interested in.
12 years, 1 month ago
DmC is an alright game, and I think that's why old fans of the series aren't happy. It's not that they think the old games are somehow ruined by this game, it's that Devil May Cry is in the hands of, quite frankly, a lesser developer and using less optimized development tools. The series has always evolved and while this is definitely Ninja Theory's best game combat wise, it's not an evolution of the character action genre. I hated the platforming sections, that's really the only egregious piece of game design.
As far as the story goes it's really nothing new or original, it's easily Ninja Theory's worst. It's They Live combined with the Slurm episode of Futurama with terrible dialogue and sub-par voice acting. The use of Limbo was also in Bayonetta, even with the whole transparent people on a different plane.
12 years, 1 month ago
Do you guys prefer the older anime type story from the older DMC's, or the more kind of serious/political sotry of the newer DMC? And what do you guys think Ninja Theory was trying to do with the story?
12 years, 1 month ago
That is the sickest opening tune I've heard in a long time. What is it? I need to know.