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Adam Sessler, currently the editor-in-chief at Revision3 has long been someone whom I feel has managed to handle complex and sensitive topics with a sense of grace and objectivity. With the tragedies in Sandy Hook Elementary and Aurora Colorado once again stirring up the violent video game debate, Sessler took an opportunity to speak to Fox News and present a well organized argument against those placing blame on the gaming industry.
I for one certainly wont deny the violent nature of games but I do tend to fall in line with Sessler's final argument (an argument that many have tried to make in the past but not quite as eloquently). Violent Games are not for children and are instead intended for people who are mature enough to process and compartmentalize the subject matter.
In all honesty though, it is hard to place blame on any one aspect of our society for these kinds of events. My first instinct would be to place blame not on the content itself but the way publishers market this content to the public. With that said, their primary concern is staying in business and making a profit so I understand why it works out that way. Is it the parents fault? What about the film industry? There are too many factors to point the blame at any ONE of them.
I'm just pleased that there are still people in this industry who can speak on our behalf in such a respectable manner. Thanks for keepin it classy Adam!
11 years, 12 months ago
This is an indeed a discussion that is important that we have, and that we as gamers don't throw under the bus just to protect out own hobby or life style. I am to tired to start it here, but Sessler does point out the most of the arguments I often try to present, but don't get across as well as him.
11 years, 12 months ago
Why bother having guests on the show when you're only going to give 'em a few minutes to make their case?
11 years, 12 months ago
Pretty sure it's the parents fault. When I was a kid, I was not allowed to have ANY access to mature rated games because my parents would never allow it. Either way, though, I highly disagree with the argument that kids turn violent by playing VIDEO GAMES because a criminal mind is way different than one might imagine.
11 years, 12 months ago
Once again, you have to give it to the Sess. If any of you have yet to watch any Sessler's Soapbox or his new show Sessler's Something both are amazing. Sessler has an ability to deliver his point with an eloquence that I rarely see in game journalism.
11 years, 12 months ago
I honestly envy Mr. Sessler's ability to make coherent points on the spot with the consistency and, like Victus said, the eloquence that he has. Great great interview Adam.
11 years, 12 months ago
I do find it amusing that you have age ratings on products in USA, but they are not enforced. It makes me wonder why bother rating them at all then?
Over here ratings are strictly enforced, but of course a parent could still buy an 18 game for a child if they really wanted to. But that parent will know what they are doing, as their child would be unable to buy it themselves.
11 years, 12 months ago
Ah, Adam Sessler, so eloquent. Calmly throwin' down the facts. Can't ask for anything better than that.
11 years, 12 months ago
Finally some logical arguments are brought to the table.
I really feel for gamer's in the US during times like this politicians seem to make them the easy target.
11 years, 11 months ago
Can we get a mirror, the video was taken down?
11 years, 11 months ago
All fixed.