If you've been following the disintegration of Silicon Knights, then you'll know that the developer has reportedly been reduced to around five staff members and has had to recall some of its games after losing a lawsuit against Epic Games. Now some details about the cancelled projects Silicon Knights have worked on have emerged thanks to a NeoGAF user who has compiled a small history of the developer's projects up until this point.   

The games included Eternal Darkness 2 (sob), a Too Human sequel subtitled Rise of the Giants, and a survival horror game called The Box. The piece includes screenshots and concept art from some of these cancelled projects. Also of interest is the patent document for the sanity system in Eternal Darkness. The patent includes suggestions for effects not seen in the final game, such as "stretching walls and corridors so they require more time to traverse" and "character's torch mysteriously blows out, loud noise then it is once again lit".

So Silicon Knights sits on the brink of destruction, leaving behind it a trail of aborted projects that could have been developed into interesting games under better circumstances. It's a real shame. Just from looking at the screenshots and concept art alone, The Box looks like the kind of game that could grab my attention. Sadly, Silicon Knights will probably be remembered for its expensive failures than its handful of shining successes.  


  • Locked Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    Shame, because I am guilty of purchasing Too Human, and I really enjoyed it. :B

  • Moblyn Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    Idk about Too Human 2 but we could always use more survival horror games. It is a shame.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    I actually live in the same city Silicon Knights is based in... Back in highschool I had an opprotunity to visit their headquarters with my programming class, but (stupidly) turned it down. That was a few months before Too Human was released.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    The box seemed like it could have been an interesting project sad that now it will never see the light of day

  • Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    Still torn over whether or not I want someone to actually pick up the rights to Eternal Darkness or if I just want it to exist as that standout piece lost in time. The box could have been intriguing though.