State of Decay

State of Decay caught our eye at PAX Prime 2012 and is still at the top of my mind as one of my most anticipated downloadable titles of 2013 at this point. The game drops players in the middle of an open world, zombie infested, American mid-west setting and sets them free to survive and manage groups of survivors. A simple enough concept, one that has been done before, but one that seems to shine brighter thanks to some terrific atmosphere and fun sandbox elements. In the demo we played at PAX, I found myself trying to creep through a house without alerting the zombies outside only to be spotted and chased through the living room window and into a desparate chase through a quiet neighborhood.

Undead Labs, the team responsible for developing this title, update their development blog on the website frequently and go out of their way to notify us when new media is posted online. Take for instance this latest video that demonstrates one of the many ways in which players can toy with the undead hordes and use non-lethal methods to survive the apocalypse. My hope is that there will ultimately be many uses for these kinds of mechanics and they will be one of many different solutions to any given situation. With that said, resource management is key in this game as well so one must consider every asset and every alternative before making a decision. Enjoy!

[Click Here to Visit Undead Labs Development Blog]


  • Boomstick_Chameleon Avatar
    12 years, 2 months ago

    Still looking pretty sweet. I wonder if this developer will make this sort of gameplay mandatory, or if it'll fall into the hole of getting too powerful too quickly, rendering this type of strategy useless.

  • joetm Avatar
    12 years, 2 months ago

    Not bad, needs more information since I don't really know much about this game aside from the fact that there are zombies in it.