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Are you sitting there thinking, "you know what, I feel like there just aren't enough multiplayer shooters for me to choose from"? Congratulations! When I become king of the world, you will be one of the first groups of people to be rounded up and hit around the head with a spanner!
In the meantime, you can amuse yourself by watching this new trailer for Dirty Bomb, a new multiplayer FPS developed by Splash Damage, who are best known for creating Brink. The shooter will be PC exclusive and powered by the Unreal Engine. The trailer shows that the action takes place in London, where the streets are littered with corpses, uncollected rubbish bags lie about in piles and the shells of abandoned cars are on fire in the middle of the road. It's hard to tell whether this is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic scenario or the aftermath of a night out in Tottenham, but what we can deduce from the trailer is that the game will feature run-and-gun gameplay and plenty of explosions.
The game has an official site, but details are sparse. A "Dirty Bomb" sounds like a cheap cocktail but it's actually a radiological weapon commonly associated with terrorist attacks, something which won't help to distance the game from the many other modern military shooters currently on the market. The unsuccessful Brink at least had an interesting setting and art style on its side, whereas Dirty Bomb looks as vanilla as they come.
12 years, 2 months ago
I like how they pretty much called their game a "dirty failure" right off the bat.
12 years, 2 months ago
Splash Damage has a special place in my heart because of ET: Wolfenstien and while I admit Brink was a huge disappointment I'm not going to count this one out yet.
12 years, 2 months ago
Well I always try to remain optimistic about a new IP but after playing brink I seriously doubt I will even bother picking up this title until after I hear post release reception.
12 years, 2 months ago
I know this is a lazy statement to throw out there buuuut it looks exactly like call of duty from those snippets of gameplay we got.
I mean, how are they expecting people to get excited for this!?
12 years, 2 months ago
Yay F2P generic shooter #23.
12 years, 2 months ago
Yeah because brink was sooo good and soo successful that the developers making another fps game is like a MUST! I mean these developers are like the best at FPS games and ppl will just line up for this DIRTY game all day long.
PLEASE HEAR THE SARCASM IN MY POST. This is the dumbest thing I have heard, Brink was a piece of dog shit. This game is gonna be a big DIRTY piece of dog diarrhea bombed on your floor. LIke anyone trusts them to make a decent FPS after that garbage.
12 years, 2 months ago
idc what most people think brink had some potential in some kind of mirrors edge kind of way, and i enjoyed it for a while but the online was bad, it was different and involved actual team work but the bad part of it all was it was too chaotic and it was all a mess, that's why playing with bots was a little bit better. well cant wait for a good mirrors edge
12 years, 2 months ago
Wow look at all the hatred for this game based solely on a short teaser, which really doesn't show much at all.
It must really suck to be a game developer now a days.