
Jeffrey, Bob, and Chris Davis chime in on the long awaited release of Hitman Absolution, a game that has inspired some rather negative backlash from this site as a whole. Tune in to find out what they thought and find out what the game has to offer. Enjoy!

Hitman Absolution - [download]


  • Avatar
    11 years, 6 months ago

    A new patch was released for the PC version of Absolution today.

  • joetm Avatar
    11 years, 6 months ago

    Gotta agree with some of the stuff you guys pointed out, gotta agree that this game is fun. Unfortunately, this game is supposed to be a Hitman game. Chris was right about the logic behind the instinct, too bad it also hinders game-play since it feels unrefined. Anyways, great podcast guys, keep up the great job.