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The WiiU has arrived! Nintendo may be a little late to the current generation but they are also technically kicking off the next generation of hardware. How does it stack up? Nick and Nolan talk about their initial impressions of the hardware and the fun that was had with Super Mario Bros. U. Mark of the Ninja, Halo 4, Nintendoland, and more Assassin's Creed 3 are also covered in the first segment. Brad teases us with some initial thoughts on Hitman Absolution but you will have to check back next week for our full coverage of that!
Podcast 295 - [download]
Hitman Absolution
WiiU Hardware
New Super Mario Bros. U
Halo 4
Assassin's Creed 3
Mark of the Ninja
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12 years, 2 months ago
Definitely agree with Brad here about Hitman: Absolution. I'm playing on Normal and guards are still spotting me from 10 miles away. The system definitely needs tweaking. I should only have to use the blend system if guards are on lookout (library sequence), i'm getting close to someone, or doing something suspicious/a body is found. When you have levels with TONS of guards with no intentions of looking out for a hitman/killer, it becomes really frustrating and unrealistic when you have little to no instinct left and after looking at you from a pretty far distance for less than 5 seconds, Officer Sherlock Holmes will immediately charge at you and demand to see your face. They should at least make the blend feature not deplete your instinct meter, at least on Normal difficulty, because, like Brad said, you shouldn't only be able to tilt your hat once or twice before you are forced to either kill someone to recharge the meter or sneak around Sam Fisher style. It really takes away from your freedom and choice, which should never be the case in a Hitman game.
12 years, 2 months ago
Great podcast guys, keep it up!
12 years, 2 months ago
Enjoyed the show as always, guys! Even if what Brad said about Hitman made me super sad, and scared to even start playing the game. I've been waiting for the game since 2006 and I may start crying if it's terrible.
Also, I wanted to say thank you so much for getting the show up. I really appreciate that even though it was Thanksgiving, you managed to upload the show. It definitely helped me during my overnight shift that night. So thanks again!
12 years, 2 months ago
This could well be the best name for one of your podcasts ever
12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for answering my question guys! I certainly hope Nintendo can get back on track and make a killing with the WiiU, but right now, I'm not seeing it and I don't think that's going to bode well for Nintendo's future as a console manufacturer or as a company in general.
Also Nick, it's pronounced "Lou-ah-vul" or "Louie-ville", not "Lewis-ville". That just sounds weird.