It is hard to imagine myself turning my back on a franchise that I have beloved since my early years in gaming. I bought a Playstation back in the day because I wanted so desperately to play Resident Evil 2. I had to plead and manipulate my parents to even convince them to consider letting me play it. With Shinji Mikami at the helm in Resident Evil 2, the series felt focused and determined to deliver an unsettling experience. My memories of hesitantly wandering the halls of the Raccoon City police station are burned into my mind and will likely remain as one of the few fond memories I have of the series.

Resident Evil 6, the highly anticipated sequel to Resident Evil 5, is launching in just a few hours and the critical reception has left a lot to be desired already. Earlier today, Joseph posed the question: "Is Silent Hill the only respectable, mainstream horror franchise left?" While my answer to this question is most definitely "yes", I find myself wondering if there is anything left that might redeem the series. The series certainly has no future as a horror title since RE6 is destined to sell well regardless of its blatant disregard for what made the series amazing in the first place.

The days of being terrified of Resident Evil might be over but some part of me is still tingling with anticipation. Resident Evil 6 looks way more over the top than i ever wanted the series to become and will surely have way more in common with the horrid film series than it will with its predecessors. With that said, the trademark production values and monster-movie action sequences will be there in full effect. It may be a damn shame that the series lost its way but can I still enjoy the game at face value? Can I soak up all the B-movie bullshit and come out the other side unscathed? Can I just accept all of the kung fu and ridiculous character attire for the sake of pure manly entertainment? I have no idea honestly but i'm hoping that some redeeming qualities will surprise me in the end. 

Where do you stand? Are you willing to give the series another shot? 


  • dumon Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I recommend reading the Destructoid review. The author basically said that if the game was released as a new IP, it wouldn't even be considered a good action game. That's really upsetting.

    However, I haven't played the full game and cannot input my own opinions. The demo left a bad taste in my mouth, though.

  • Skittles0520 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Having watched my brothers, cousins, and friends play through RE1, 2, 3, 4 (and even RE 0) I still had the tingly feeling when watching a game that scares the shit outta me. While playing RE5 (which I played co-op) I didn't quite have the fear I felt it needed for an RE game...

    As 6 slowly approaches I'm not sold on how it can be redeemed...

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Is Capcom entirely to blame? No, not entirely. They look to what makes the most money in the West only to see shooters. Not only that, but can we really go back to games that blend simple "find a key for this" puzzles, action that involves shooting glowing orange weak points on enemies, and horror elements that are tied with an outdated control scheme? I love the Resident Evil franchise for what it was and what it evolved into. This outcome was inevitable. This is over-the-top and Resident Evil has always delivered on being that. Having not played it yet, perhaps the only thing holding it down (if the complaints are valid) is how the controls feel. Play it like this is the last hurrah for the series; most of the cast is there and they are giving it all they have left.

  • ChrisRedfield Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    The series has change yes. I read the reviews that other gaming sites wrote and i couldn't help but wonder "Are they writing a review based on their own honest opinions or are they ranting on how much the game sucks and doesn't see the pros in the game?"

    Don't get me wrong Nick. RE2 was by far my favorite in the series and yes i wish the series would go back to the roots but i don't see that happening since every series involves in someways. I played the demo and personally, i enjoyed it. I usually ignore reviews and wait until i play the game for myself and be the judge for it. All i can really say is that just have a open mind and if you do or don't enjoy the game, more power to you. If your writing the review, i look forward to it.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    To be honest the only way I see RE becoming significant again is a reboot that focuses more on the horror aspect and less of the survival aspect. The current story lines have gone to the point of no return for it to become redeemable that or drop the series entirely before Capcom destroys it any more than they already have.

  • AdjacentKitten Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Played the first demo that was released a month before the public one, and that left me disappointed in many ways. I thought that maybe it was just a fluke, and went back to play the public demo when it came out. And guess what? The second demo may have been better than the first, but this is just.. a poor game.

  • rabbeseking Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I've still yet to read any reviews, or play the demo(s). I want to go into it blind. People often complain about the shift in genre the RE games have gone through, but I enjoyed 4 and 5 just as much as 1, 2 and 3. Just in different ways. Most of the complaints I hear through the grapevine seem to be that the game quality itself is just not that great. I guess I'll see.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I preordered it, but I'm keeping my copy sealed until you guys finish it and give your thoughts. If you don't like it, Nick, I doubt I will.

  • Witty Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    It has been a long time since I've let a review determine whether or not I bought a game. I do like to read them because they're still good for glimpses of what a game has to offer. I feel like that is their main purpose in the first place.

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I won't let a review stop me from playing the game. I'll still play RE6 with a friend and it could be fun as a just fucking around game with a friend. I can see them trying to recover and change it up but if it sells well and it will. Who knows it that change will come soon enough to really save it?

  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    basically its now divided the fans kinda like the Res. Movies. That pretty much sums up resident evil like the resident evil movie now, really sad.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I remembered when RE2 and RE3 used to scare the hell out of me back in the days. Could not play those games at night. Now...idk what the hell Capcom was thinking. The game wouldn't have been so bad if they brought back horror.

    Still on the fence regarding this game.

  • roival3ternal Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    it would seem a little extreme to completely turn my back on a franchise like RE. this one sucked. 5 wasnt that much better. so what. maybe there is some hope in the series and i wont negate it, it's kind of pointless to do so. same thing with SH downpour, it wasn't great but got back to the roots and perhaps they are starting to realize where the franchise is now compared to back in the early days and can calculate their next entry more succinctly and with better precision. it doesnt make sense to turn my back on RE or SH because you never know what they'll do next time. there is always hope. do I really care about the franchise anymore? not really. i hold it in high regard still as one of the best original franchise's to exist, but the new releases are always butt. so instead of turning my back on it, ill keep my expectations low, so if it bombs, i won;t really care, but if its a winner, ill be there.