I remember the innocent days of childhood, sitting in the backseat of my parent's hatchback with a Nintendo Game Boy and a copy of Pokemon Red. Oh the innocence of those days. I didn't know... I couldn't know... the horror I was visiting. How could I have known that the heartless battling of groups of pixels together would turn me into a raving, hateful, wildlife biologist - my claims to help bring humans into a better understanding with their animal brethren a ruse to hide my insipid hatred of all things fuzzy and four-footed

Well, no longer will the crime of battling a couple of pixels against a couple of other pixels go unmentioned or unpunished!

No longer will the reserve Pokemon be forced to retain silent vigil as their bruised and swollen companions are shoved back into a chamber the size of a softball. Forced to peer from their own pint-sized chambers wondering... Wondering, who will be the next on the chopping block? Who will be the next to experience the super effective slap of a level 60 Charizard?

PETA, you are an inspiration to us all. Your great deeds of are only slightly hidden by the vapid morass that are these side quests.

With the help of This is Pop, PETA has created a flash game called Pokemon Black and Blue. Help Pikachu battle the evil pokemon murdering trainers and bring liberation to all Poke-kind!!!

Did you know that every time a Pokemon faints, God kills a kitten? You don't hate kittens do you?


  • Zladko Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Didn't they also make one of these for Super Mario Bros 3? These are hilarious.

  • MooCowBunny Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    PETA are dumbasses.Like that time they were bitching about Mario's tanuki suit. Really? They need to get their heads out of each others asses.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    What's hilarious about this is that Team Plasma from Black & White are essentially a caricature of PETA.

  • Skittles0520 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I'm waiting for them to do a dogfighting game where the dogs attack Michael Vick in hopes of their freedom......//sarcasm

    PETA is a joke. I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, but COME ON. Pokeman aren't real, they don't feel. STOP IT.

    **also, dog fighting is wrong :(

  • ShadowStarr5 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    While this is as Hilarious as burning your first ant with a magnifying glass, PETA still needs to quietly die into the shadows of the gaming industry

  • CyborgMaid Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I hope they release a new BLack & White game (the god simulator not the pokémon thing). PETA would be all over you for spanking that giant monkey.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Nintendo used Litigation! It's super effective!

  • PrideSwine Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    All of those dead Zubats... what have I DONE?