
Dishonored, the new stealth-action game from Arkane and Bethesda has certainly been one of the highlights of 2012. Jeff and Nick take this opportunity to have a detailed discussion of Dishonored while focusing more on a few of the games shortcomings. If you have not yet finished the game, avoid the ending because we close out the podcast with a little spoiler filled discussion about the game's ending. 


Dishonored - [download]


  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    very nice, thanks for putting this up nick.

    Side question: who is updating the games database? it seems to be at a stanstill, even recent broadcasts are hard to find using the database not to mention all of say the walking dead broadcasts for example. Also would be nice to be able to edit or remove a comment in a future update one day....

  • Roughplague Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    itunes version won't download for me =/
    actually, nor does the built it version or the download link =//

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    Bob Webb
    12 years, 3 months ago

    The link has been fixed. Nick didn't test it out before he published it. SHAME ON YOU!

  • Velius Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Not spoiling anything but I was low chaos and I had a different ending level in regards to villains than jeff or nick. There must be a lot of little triggers throughout the game that changes it.

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    12 years, 3 months ago

    I want to hear a Audible Impressions for FTL: Faster than Light. That is a great game.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    This felt more like a spoiler cast than audible impression , I know you warned of spoilers but felt like you went overboard on what little story was there .