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If you're chomping at the bit over the release of Borderlands 2, Gearbox's skill tree calculator might help the time pass a little quicker. All you have to do is pick a character, click 'View Skill Tree', and hey presto, you can tinker around with their upgrades. Each character has 33 abilities, and you have 46 skill points to allocate across them.
While I wasn't a huge fan of the original Borderlands, I am a huge fan of this kind of interactive promotional marketing. Much like the interactive trailer used to promote Crysis 3, this 'hands on' approach is a great way to make the build-up to a release feel more personal and involving.
Borderlands 2 will be released on September 18th in the U.S. and September 21st in the U.K.
12 years, 4 months ago
Just enough in Maya's Motion tree to get Convergence, then Cataclysm to set them all on fire n' shit.
Crowd control woot woot!
12 years, 4 months ago
So much to choose from...this will be fun.