XBMC Functionality For Teeny Tiny Kickstarter Sensation Ouya

Just when you thought the Nintendo Wii had the daftest console name ever, along comes Ouya, an open-source video game console that is the product of a highly successful Kickstarter campaign. Over $7 million has been raised for the project, and we now have some new images of the console and its controller, plus the news that the team behind open-source media platform XBMC are working with Ouya.

"We are delighted to announce that XBMC will be working with OUYA to ensure that XBMC works well on the OUYA platform" XBMC community manager Nathan Betzen said in a recent blog post. "The conversation between our two teams is young, but talk is ongoing and positive. We look forward to providing more exciting news on this front as it develops."

Ouya has also gained the support of Vevo and Onlive.

The console looks to be no larger than the size of a Rubik's Cube. Another image shows the console controller to be similarly straightforward and compact in its design. The console's modest specs include 1GB of RAM and 1 USB port.

Are you excited about the impending arrival of Ouya? My personal concern will be trying not to sound like a pillock when asking to buy the damn thing at the shops. How exactly are you supposed to pronounce it, anyway? "Ooh-yeh"? "Oi-ahh"? "Ow-ya"? I think I'll just buy it in silence from Amazon.


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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I seriously don't see this project being successful but who knows? If I turn out to be wrong I may end up getting one myself.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    Everyone can stop with ''AAA titles'' talks now. Its a budget micro PC that plays indie games and does everything that any other PC can do. For casual gamers that can be their's media center.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I was curious:
    That's how it's pronounced.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    Damn, I thought the titled said something Teens being here . :D