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On Monday I brought you a list of some of the biggest titles that will be arriving over the next four months. A lot of you liked what was shown but I felt we should take this one step further. You guys like to hear what we have to say about things but not all of us really get the chance to speak our minds as much as we'd like to. To that end, we all have differing opinions on what games we are really looking forward to this year and I thought that this would be a great opportunity for you to not only find out what we think but also perhaps get a little insight into what has each of us excited for during this wallet-devestating season.
So, without further ado, here are our picks for the Fall 2012 season's biggest titles.
Mike's Pick
Darksiders 2
Mike sez: "I loved the first Darksiders because it combined a lot of my favorite games into a solid title that had me hooked from beginning to end. It looks like Darksiders 2 is going to follow suite by introducing platforming elements that look similar to Prince of Persia. The visual style, gameplay and new loot system have me excited for a bigger and better Darksiders experience."
Tara's Pick
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
Tara sez: "Since everyone else is probably going to pick the good games, I'm picking: "Play Station All-Stars Battle Royale." Very curious to see how Fat Princess does during a punch up with a Big Daddy. Or Ratchet and Clank against Sackboy. Okay, I'm not going to lie. My expectations are so low at this point that if they can pull off having it control and look like Super Smash Brothers, I'll be impressed."
Nick's Pick
Halo 4
Nick sez: "With Call of Duty slowly but surely losing Steam thanks to its predictable release schedule, Halo has the potential to dominate the shooter space this fall. Halo has always been applauded for its approach to first person shooting but with a new studio taking over after the departure of Bungie, Halo is now the biggest wild card to hit shelves this fall. I am not one to normally champion a sequel in a mainstream FPS franchise but I am eager to see if 343 Industries can leave their mark on the series and establish their own identity among Halo fans."
Joseph's Pick
Joseph sez: "I haven't been able to stop thinking about this game since E3 2012. Creative abilities that interact with the world and each other, missions with multiple pathways to success, and an art style that just drips with beauty. Dishonored is like a Renaissance Hitman game with a responsive and refined combat system. GOTY material to be sure."
George's Pick
Assassin's Creed III
George sez: "I'm looking forward to Assassin's Creed 3 mainly because I've been itching to play a proper sequel to Assassin's Creed 2 with a new protagonist, and not another lengthy full price expansion pack like Brotherhood or Revelations. I'm intrigued to find out how Desmond's story wraps up, but the big draw for me here is the new setting. Ubisoft Montreal did a great job of recreating Renaissance-era Italy in Assassin's Creed 2, so I'm hopeful that they can make the American Revolution just as atmospheric and absorbing."
Chris' Pick
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Chris sez: "I know, a shocker right? Me not picking a game with shooting and violence every ten seconds? Well as much fun as I plan to have with games like Dishonored and Halo 4 this year I can't help but think about just how much I love Criterion Games. I normally don't play racing games but I have owned every single Criterion title released since Burnout 3: Takedown. I don't know how Criterion does it but I always have a wonderful time playing their games and with Most Wanted looking like the Burnout Paradise sequel I've been dreaming of since 2008 I can't help but feel exceptionally excited about what's to come."
Nolan's Pick
Hitman Absolution
Nolan sez: "The more recent gameplay footage for Hitman: Absolution have rejuvenated my excitement for this game. I'm going to pull off some amazing kills, poisoning, falling chandeliers, dressing up as a clown and having an affair with my marks wife; Agent 47 is on the prowl. Slipping on my gloves, filling my pockets with fiber wire, syringes, and some massive silverballers, I'm ready for my target."
Tim's Pick
Borderlands 2
Tim sez: "I had originally written Borderlands off as your everyday first person shooter with a “million gun” gimmick. I’m glad that the final product proved me wrong, drawing me in with its unique loot and a character skill system that meshed well with the online coop. It’s for these reasons that I’m so excited for the sequel, Borderlands 2. It’s my hope that the second game improves upon what made the first so fun for me, the loot lust and the coop experience."
Ben's Pick
Ben sez: "Everyone will probably pick this one, but of the "big games" coming out this fall, the one I most want to play is Dishonored. Sure, Arkane Studios have had some troubles in the past, with Dark Messiah launching buggy and The Crossing being put in developmental limbo, but they have their minds in the right place—Dishonored is showing that. A system-driven structure that exists in a credible space. One that players can prod with a mix of action, stealth and mystical abilities. A game that isn't just prefabricated events for the player to see. A game about an assassin where one doesn't actually have to assassinate. A game that monitors actions but promises to not place a moral skew. Arkane is still trying to keep the "Immersive Sim" alive and, with the talent from the Looking Glass/Ion Storm lineage, they might be the ones to best do it."
Jeff's Pick
X-Com Enemy Unknown
Jeff sez: "I grew up on X-Com, and the idea of having this once-great, turn-based, strategy franchise revitalized for a new generation of strategy enthusiasts, is exciting. The fact is, there just have not been enough games, in the genre, to fill that void this generation. The truth is out there...and it won't be very long till we get to it."
Kris' Pick
Kris sez: "If I had to describe this years fall release schedule in one word, it would be "Assassins". But even with beloved franchises Hitman and Assassin's Creed bringing some seriously hype-worthy offerings to bear, the assassin game that has my full attention is Dishonored. But revenge is not a singular path, as the many districts of the industrial city Dunwall become your macabre sandboxes, ripe for experimentation. With first-person stealth gameplay, an arsenal of tech and dark magics, and a beautiful steampunk-inspired presentation, Dishonored is practically brimming with reasons why October can't possibly arrive soon enough."
Carlos' Pick
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Carlos sez: "I should be ashamed of this, but after the multiplayer reveal of just a couple days ago, I am ashamed no more. I am really pumped for Black Ops 2. I've been interested in it more so than other Call of Duty games since its futuristic setting was revealed and have since delighted in every morsel of information that I can get my hands on. The hints at a revamped class system, tons of gadgets and MULTI-TEAM MATCHES have got the blood going down to the nether regions. Also, having enjoyed Black Ops' multiplayer a bit more than the Infinity Ward games (sans CoD4: The golden child which is now hacked to the point of being unplayable) I have a feeling I am putting my hype in the right spot. Everyone knows I like Call of Duty, but I let it be known what I have never pre-ordered, or purchased a special edition Call of Duty game. Black Ops 2 just might be the first exception to both.
Brad's Pick
Resident Evil 6
Brad sez: "I'm excited about Final Fantast Vers... oh wait. Well, at least there's The Last Guardi... shit. I guess that just leaves Metal Gear Ri... what the CRAP? Remember when Japan actually released big new games every fall? Resident Evil 6 seems like the last hope for that happening this year. And while the demo was somewhat underwhelming, there were some interesting new mechanics. The game seems huge, and it's hard not to be excited about the follow up to two of the best action/horror games of the past decade. Oh and Resident Evil 4 and 5 shit all over the overrated Dead Space series. COME AT ME BRO!"
So, that's it folks. What are you most excited about?
12 years, 6 months ago
Planetside 2. Enough said.
12 years, 6 months ago
Dishonored all the way baby.
12 years, 6 months ago
A toss up between Dishonored and Hitman.
12 years, 6 months ago
Borderlands2. I'm a whore for loot-based games. It brings out my inner hoarder. Also, in most rpgs, I get overwhelmed and stressed out with the character upgrades, but borderlands is simple compared to other rpgs that I've played.
12 years, 6 months ago
This article just put into perspective how many staff members 4PP actually has.
12 years, 6 months ago
Got to say dishonered
12 years, 6 months ago
I've been replaying Thief 2 on expert lately, and I remembered why I love stealth games so much. Dishonored may be the best one to come in years.
12 years, 6 months ago
nick, joseph, nolan, tim, ben, jeff, and kris i agree with...really looking forward to those games. The other games i could care less about AC was getting batshit crazy in terms of what was going on, not to mention the whole desmond future storyline might be lost in the next, what was it?10 future numbered AC titles (instead of the original 3(well 5)? That sony smashbros game is boring as hell, u cant kill anyone without a super bar and its an instant death if u get fun at all.
basically think of smashbros where everyone has the ability to get a "special" from that flying item that spawns and thats the only way to kill someone, no knocking players off stage or send them flying to their ur stuck in this boxed level where the stage can hit u, but ur though it "meh who cares if hades hits me...." time to hit more fools cuz i want a level 3 special....
12 years, 6 months ago
Legit surprised at Brad's pick. Didn't think anyone at 4pp had any hope left (see what I did there) for RE6.
Interesting that Dishonored has so many votes - might actually have to put that on my radar for the foreseeable future.
Also, Nick picked something else over Assassin's Creed? Up is down, black is white.
12 years, 6 months ago
xcom ?
Twitch twitch twitch
12 years, 6 months ago
I didn't realize how many people you guys have now.
By the way, did I miss something? Why isn't David part of this?
12 years, 6 months ago
I can pretty much agree that almost all these titles will be really good. My pick would have to be the favorite of the bunch Dishonored.
12 years, 6 months ago
Call of Duty son!
12 years, 6 months ago
I would be a damn liar if I said my #1 isn't Borderlands 2. My #2 is also Borderlands 2.