Gamescom!  It's here!  Finally, after months of waiting amidst a vicious news cycle of only a handful of announcements since E3 the increasingly relevant gaming and news event has arrived.  And we are... not on the ground.  Sorry, but Germany's expensive and while we'd love to go we're not certain whether we can afford to get back from there.

While we aren't live from the land of bratwurst we still feel that you need to be kept in the loop as to the happenings going on there.  To that end, consider this post your go-to guide for updates throughout the day as the onslaught of new and exciting mercilessly pounds us into submission.

Dead Space 3

    • EA announced a release date for Issac Clarke's third outing: February 5th, 2013.
    • Players will be able to customize their weapons this time around using a weapon crafting system.

Crysis 3

    • Crytek revealed a new multiplayer mode: Hunter.  A zombie variant, a team of fourteen Cell operatives proceed to an extraction point while two Nanosuit-wearing Hunters proceed to killing them off Predator style.  Killed Cell players become Hunters and Cell members only win if they survive long enough for the timer to run out.

Star Wars 1313

Hitman Absolution

    • For the first time in the series a Hitman title will feature a multiplayer element.  It's called Contracts and no, it's not inspired by today's FPS craze.  Playing through an existing level, players will be able to challenge friends to completing customized mission objective within a certain time frame.  Players are rewarded with funds and upgrades to existing equipment and disguises.
    • HA will ship with several Contracts already on the disc.  A new trailer will be released tomorrow.


Assassin's Creed III

Need For Speed Most Wanted

    • Criterion announced that all the cars in Most Wanted will be available at the start of the game.
    • Players rankings will be shown on billboards throughout the game.  To challenge a time or rating simply smash through the billboard.

Star Trek

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

    • New character reveals include Dante from DmC, Spike from Ape Escape and Ratchet and Clank from... Ratchet and Clank.
    • The new characters seem to validate a supposed roster leak from last month which also listed Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil), Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2+) and Nariko (Heavenly Sword).
    • Those who purchase the Playstation 3 version of the game will receive a Vita copy for free.

The Last of Us

God of War Ascension

We'll be updating you with more as the day goes on and as Gamescom continues.  Keep checking back!


  • Avatar
    12 years, 5 months ago

    Never played Crysis, but that trailer looked pretty bad ass. Also it reminded me more of Predator variant than Zombies.

    It was nice to see more of ZombiU and to see the decompositions of the zombies (one was missing a chunk out of its head), but it looks to be another "dead island".

    I can't wait for The Last of Us.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    Tbh with all the list of games the only ones I really care about are the Last of Us and Assassins Creed 3.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    Damn, Star Wars 1313 looking good!

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    Crysis 3 predator missions

    You have yourself a sale