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12 years, 6 months ago
I might hold off on buying it for now.
12 years, 6 months ago
I tried the trial version on XBLA just for shits and giggles. You get 45 min to try the online ...spent 0 of the 45 actually playing Counter Strike. I don't know if I was just very unlucky, but that was the buggiest experience I've had in an online game. The team selection menu didn't respond most times I tried to pick a team, the lag was horrendous, then for a while I could run around, but none of the buttons worked. I figured out that, in the controls menu, the game cleared all the buttons and had none of them assigned to any actions. This is the kind of stuff that gets Bethesda and Obsidian wet! (still love those studios though). Guess I'm gonna stick with CS: Source for a little while longer...