League of Legends, 4pp

League of Legends is a game developed by Riot that fits under the genre of MOBA, or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. The game has been out of beta for nearly three years now and has quickly skyrocketed in popularity to become the most played PC game in the world as players have logged in over one billion hours of play this past year. But what exactly is League of Legends and what draws so many players to the game?

The Basics

Well, for those unfamiliar with the genre, LoL is essentially a lane defense game that was popularized by DotA during the days of Warcraft III. There are two teams of three or five, depending on the map, and the players select a champion from a roster of over 100 characters to play as; about 10 of whom are free to play each week. Basically, each lane has a series of turrets that lead to each team's base and the ultimate goal is to destroy the towers of the opposing team while protecting yours and destroy the enemy Nexus. To aid you there are waves of NPCs that spawn in each lane known as "creeps" that will fight any enemy that crosses their linear pathing. These creeps also serve to generate gold for your champion should you land the killing blow on one. Earning kills on creeps or other players will also grant exp. to your champion. Each level gained will allow you to access and strengthen one of the champion's four abilities until you reach level 18. There are also various objectives strewn throughout each map that can give you extra gold income or a temporary buff that will make fighting your enemies easier. While each team is split up initially to their respective lanes, all players will have to eventually group up and fight as a team in order to have any chances of victory.

Those are the basics of the game itself; however, Riot also threw in some bells and whistles to make things more interesting. To start, the player is known as a Summoner and each Summoner has a level associated with them. You start out at level 1 and as you play matches, win or lose, you will gain experience points and level up to the cap of 30. Gaining higher Summoner levels gives you access to more utilities and boosts that can be used for your champions in the actual game. Summoner spells are special abilities the player can choose to use, up to a max of two, that have a wide range of uses like a short range teleport, temporary speed boost, or an attack that ticks away at enemy health. Runes are items that can be purchased that boost the base stats of your champion in game. As you level, the player is able to add more runes to their pages and will have access to the next tier of runes every 10 summoner levels. And finally we have the Mastery Page which is essentially a skill tree divided up into offense, defense, and utility that also boost the base stats of the champions. Each time you gain a summoner level, you are granted one point to place on the Mastery Page however you wish until you have gained all 30 points.

4pp. League of Legonds, 4player


Yes, I did say purchase earlier. As LoL is a free-to-play game there is a cash shop which has items listed for Riot Points that you can buy with real money. This is not a pay to win game; though, so Riot Points are only used to buy new looks for your champions, buy champions themselves, or gain exp boosts for your summoner level. The other form of currency is Influence Points which are gained simply by playing the game and completing matches. Influence points are what a player uses to buy runes or purchase champions should they not wish to spend real cash. This basically boils down to: just about everything in the game is free to obtain should you put time into it; the only things requiring real money are new appearances and exp boosts.

The Battlefield

As for game types, this is where LoL falls short. The 5v5, 3v3, Dominion and Aram game types all only have one map apiece making the only dynamic element about the game the players themselves. Fortunately, LoL does have some variety from the typical MOBA style. 5v5 and 3v3 are just normal lane defense maps, but the Aram game type mixes this up by only having a single lane for teams to fight on and it makes the players choose a champion at complete random. This does mean matches can be horribly one-sided, but it still allows for fun should everyone be a good sport about it. Dominion is a circular shaped map with 5 capture points placed along the sides of the map. Each point, when captured, will fire upon the enemy's base and slowly deal damage to it. Each team must capture and hold enough points long enough to destroy the enemy base. Again, teams can be one-sided, but will still allow for fun should a player grow tired of the usual team death match.

Community Centered or Self-Centered Community?

LoL's biggest downfall does have to be the player base. Sadly, this isn't the first online game to be free of jack asses and people who take the game way too seriously. As with any online game, there will be players who are complete jerks for no reason, will throw out obscenities and slurs at the drop of a hat, and will rage quit matches. The rage quitting does pretty much stop once you reach Summoner level 28 or so, but that still requires players to potentially work together with complete asses to get there. If you are someone looking to get into LoL, see if you have any friends who already play or get them to play alongside you. This game is more enjoyable when you can play with people you know won't complain or rage at you. If you happen to find yourself without any people to play with that you know, try some bot matches to get the hang of the game without the pressure of other players breathing down your neck. Oh, and there is an ignore feature, so you can always silence those annoying people forever and then report them for misconduct.

4pp, Leage of Legends, 4player, 4player podcast

League of Legends is an easily accessible game that does take a bit of time to get used to, but really picks up speed once you get the hang of everything. With its addictive gameplay, roster of over 100 playable characters, biweekly updates and champion releases, and a free to play model that keeps players on an even field, it is easy to see why Riot and LoL have shot up in popularity. I would definitely give this game a recommendation to anyone with a halfway decent computer; just don't go in expecting sunshine and lollipops from most of the player base. Oh, and my Summoner name is Onasi. *hint hint*

And if you don't give the game a try, you'll make Amumu, the sad Mummy, cry.


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I couldn't keep the image I had of Amumu, so here's the little guy who's feeling will be hurt should you not try the game: http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/346024-bigthumbnail.jpg

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I do agree about the player community. With the right people this game can be an everlasting experiene.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I always thought LoL meant laugh out loud. Silly me. :D

    "This looks like a kids game" -some random person

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I'm really not into this type of genre, really. I tried DOTA back when it was a Warcraft 3 map, and I could never figure out the keys but I figured out you click and you keep clicking ahead of you so the guy attacks, then you have to fight a bunch of turret things until they all die. I couldn't really get into it, though. I was never really a fan of the RTS genre to begin with, since I prefer turn-based planning and strategy.

    Also played some Awesomenauts once. It was all right, I could at least figure out everything, but there wasn't really enough to it.

    If there's one thing I like about this game, it's the character designs. Also the model they chose for the free-to-play seems to work. I just can't stand watching any matches, though. I get bored. Too much stuff on screen and not enough stuff going on. Don't know how to put that, really.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Very nice article. As an avid player of LoL, I really enjoyed the positive light you shone upon the game.
    Oh yeah, and I just added you. LauKungPow, as always.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Great article, I do agree about this games' player community. From my experience, most players I've played with were actually very nice. But there will be times where there will be that one, two, or even three player/s that you get teamed up with that will ruin your game. One advice I'll give if you're willing to try this game is to play it with a friend or two. Though I started alone playing this game, I finally convinced some friends to try it, and we've had a blast playing together.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    So who in the community still plays? I'm interested if others are.