Deus Ex: Human Revolution Movie Is On It's Way

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is heading to the big screen. CBS films have secured the film rights to the cyberpunk franchise, and Roy Lee and Adrian Askarieh are set to produce the adaptation, according to a report by Variety.

CBS will be working with Human Revolution developer Eidos Montreal on the film. Terry Press, the co-president of CBS films, has expressed his optimism about the film, saying,

As is clear from the wild success of the game, Square Enix and Eidos Montreal know how to exceed their audience's expectations by engineering incredible worlds. No one knows Human Revolution like the team that created it, and we look forward to working with them from day one to make a film adaptation worthy of the 'Deus Ex' name.

Phil Rogers, the CEO of Square Enix Europe, was similarly enthusiastic, saying,

As the millions of fans who have played the 'Deus Ex' games for more than a decade will tell you, these games catapult you into a universe that is stimulating, engaging and relevant. We're firm believers in building strong partnerships, and so we're thrilled to be working with CBS Films on bringing the unique 'Deus Ex' experience to the big screen.

While a thematically rich game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution might make for a better film adaptation than, say, Need For Speed, there is still a key problem with adapting a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution to the big screen. It was a game that forced you to make choices and created vastly different experiences from one person to another, which is something videogames can do and films can't. If the adaptation of Human Revolution can draw out a singular, cohesive narrative from the Deus Ex universe, then the film might be a success, but it might also be missing the point of the franchise.

Also, who would play Adam Jensen? Jensen already sounds like a Batman-era Christian Bale, but I'm thinking Keanu Reeves would fit the role quite well.



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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I didn't ask for!

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    Good thing no video game movies get made anyways!

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    Neon Vanguard
    12 years, 6 months ago

    I sure as Hell hope this doesn't go through.

    If a Deus Ex movie were to be made, it'd have to be in the CG style of the cutscenes to keep the aesthetic.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I actually... agree with Keanu fitting in that role. I think it would be really cool for it to be entirely CG, I loved that first CG trailer... oh how I love that trailer

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    First Assassin's Creed, then Deus Ex. If it's an original story, it might stand a chance.
    Otherwise, it's gonna flop. But i'm more hopeful about Assassin's Creed than Deus Ex, because Ubisoft Movie Studio would make the movie.

    Also, i think Deus Ex would be way better off in CGI than using real actors.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    How would the ending work out? O.o But as the above, CGI would be amazing. I think augments would look a little sillier with live actors....

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I didn't ask for this...

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    Stupid and pointless. I really fucking hope this doesn't happen.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    Meh...Games converted into movies always seem to fall short...But this may be an improvement since CBS is working with the creators of the game..

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 6 months ago

    Keanu Reeves would have made a better JC Denton to be honest. But to the point, this is one of the few film adaptations I'd recommend people not to jump onto the pessimism wagon over.

    Think back to your playthrough of DE:HR. Think of the settings, the atmosphere, the narrative and the lore. This film has more potential than I think people are giving it credit, player choice mostly affected the way Jensen reacted to story beats and how non-plot integral side characters viewed Jensen. If they nail the atmosphere and resound the games themes this will be a winner in my opinion.

    Pretty much anything they put out would have me more excited than Resident Evil at this point. Aside from the stereotypical ham-fisted writing, acting, or cinematography that plagues game adaptations.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    CG movie adaptation would be better. Guess Im just in love with the CG trailer.