
With Nick taking a personal week, 4Player Podcast is reduced to 3 for the time being. It is a short show this time around but there is plenty of Amazing Spider-Man and Walking Dead conversation to soak in. It is also confirmed that Brad will no longer be in charge of handling sound testing in future shows! Enjoy!

Podcast 276 - [download]

The Amazing Spider-Man
The Walking Dead: Episode 2

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Brad - @FolderBrad
Carlos - @EdgarAllanPwn
Kris - @InspectorKris

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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!


  • Avatar
    12 years, 7 months ago

    Pretty nice Nickless show, guys. Always great to hear from Carlos. It's just too bad this week's show was so damn short.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 7 months ago

    Great show, short but sweet.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    stopped listening after 25 minutes due to the constant sounds of banging and sniffling. congrats to nick on his 1st attempt at a game review, 100% for dragons dogma?