(Article submitted by AdjacentKitten - major spoilers inside)

The tale of a struggling hero is a common one. Heroes have defined our video game industry over the years, filling our minds with their endless valor and constant battle for supremacy. No matter the situation, these heroic protagonists will always succeed in their efforts. However, not all heroes will achieve the sort of victory that they so deserve. The low-key heroes will more often become a stepping stone for the protagonist to advance onward. These men put forth an extraordinary effort to fulfill an objective just outside of their reach, usually resulting in premature death. Even so, we gamers will never forget their heartrending sacrifice, for these are the…

Top 5: Heroic Tragedies

5.) The Dog [Fable II]

“The Faithful Companion”

Not long after beginning the campaign for Fable II, a canine friend is introduced as the player’s constant companion. This is a dog that has support functions in the actual game. It helps with locating collectibles, discovering secrets and assisting in combat from time-to-time. This practicality wears off almost as quickly as this creature’s introduction into the game. Players who opt into believing their dog will bring a newfound sense of adventure will find themselves wielding a spade, repeatedly digging holes into the ground according to your dog’s wishes. After a few hours of such menial activity, players will begin to realize that their canine’s goals are not entirely cohesive with their own. This is because the dog is cumbersome idiot.

Although unfortunate for this little fellow, players are bound to end up ignoring, or even resenting, their animal companion. But this dog shares no such feelings for its master. Its intense love for the player will culminate in a single moment. It leaps in front of an attack that would have mortally wounded the player. This was a sacrifice made out of pure loyalty. The player watches their companion – one which had been with them for the entire game – die right in front of their eyes. No matter how moronic the creature, the tender feelings that rose from its death are genuine. For the events in which the dog is struck down, and every moment afterward, it celebrates its place as the fifth best heroic tragedy.

4.) Riordan [Dragon Age: Origins]

“The Lonely Warden”

In Dragon Age: Origins, a tide of dark beings called Darkspawn emerged from their underground dwellings and ravaged the country of Ferelden. These creatures rallied under the leadership of an especially powerful being known as the Archdemon. As was in the past, the arrival of an Archdemon signaled the start of a Blight, an event where the surface world would be razed for an extended period of time. The Grey Wardens, an order of warriors infused with the blood of the Darkspawn, was founded specifically to combat these Blights. This time was no different, as the Grey Wardens coordinated their efforts with the Ferelden military to execute the Archdemon and end the Blight once again.

A massive rout inflicted upon the Ferelden military, and the death of its young king, left the Grey Warden numbers dwindling. During this time, Grey Wardens from the neighboring country of Orlais made their way to the fight. Unfortunately, they were turned away at the border because of the new king and his misguided notions. It was here that Riordan, one of the Orleisan Wardens, snuck across the border to continue the mission. It wasn’t long before he met up with the surviving Grey Wardens of Ferelden, and subsequently followed them into battle against the powerful Archdemon. As the only experienced veteran among the party, Riordan sacrifices himself in a leap of faith to cripple the Archdemon and force it to the ground, allowing the rest of the survivors to inflict the kill. It is because of these last moments that Riordan receives the fourth place among the top five heroic tragedies.

3.) Benjamin Carmine [Gears of War 2]

“The Second Carmine”

After the debilitating events of Gears of War, it was unclear just how much of a running joke the Carmine family would be in the future. Anthony Carmine joined Delta Squad early in their campaign, only to experience an instantaneous death at the hands of a sniper. No one knew whether this dark humor was going to extend into the future sequels, but the prominence of this question only grew upon the release of Gears of War 2. Another one of the fabled Carmine brothers joined Delta Squad, and his name was Benjamin Carmine. Unlike his deceased brother, Benjamin showed a natural aptitude for combat, braving repeated dangerous missions alongside his squadmates. His elongated survival seemed to be the response players needed, but they would receive the true answer soon enough.

While attempting to escape from a massive enemy called the Riftworm, Benjamin is knocked from aboard a helicopter and hurdles into the beast’s gaping maw. Delta Squad follows soon afterward. The spacious interior inside this Riftworm allows Delta to regroup and search for the missing Benjamin. It is here where a species of acidic creatures inside of the Riftworm take Benjamin by surprise, melting through his armor and decaying his entrails. In a wretched twist of fate, Delta Squad then stumbles upon him seconds after his demise in battle. He speaks his last words and then becomes the second Carmine to die in their presence. Although his death was tragic, it counts only as the ending to what was an otherwise touching tale of survival against the odds. For this, Benjamin Carmine receives third place.

2.) John Marston [Red Dead Redemption]

“The Reformed Man”

In Red Dead Redemption, players take control of John Marston. This is a man with an exceptionally corrupt history. John had spent the later part of his life alongside a notorious group of outlaws, and even fostering a relationship with one of the whores who traveled with them. Unfortunately, this budding future was cut short as John was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Vindication arrives, though, as two suspect government agents offer John the opportunity to leave prison. The one condition – John must return to the Western Frontier and subdue the remnants of his former gang.

After months of flushing out the most troublesome gang members, John completes his assignment. Every man who was once part of his former gang was now dead, and he could return to the little farm that he bought before his imprisonment. Alongside his wife and son, the days that followed are a complete change of pace. John gradually shifted into the life that he so desired, as the stagnant dust from his past was starting to settle. This wouldn’t last for long, though. The government intended for John to embark on a suicide mission. His survival was unexpected. Since they wanted every murderer from that gang dead, John Marston was now last on their list.

Breaking their agreement, the government dispatched a team of agents to deal with Marston. They arrive at his farm and, after a short skirmish, flee to regroup. This gave John the precious time necessary to send away his wife and son. After taking shelter in his barn, John made a grave realization. Any further action against the government could result in harm inflicted upon his family in the future. It was his place to die here. So with that, John stepped out from the barn and straight into forty-odd agents awaiting his sacrifice. Although he is given a chance to fight off his executioners, John will suffer a mortal wound and be left to bleed out on his farmland. In result of his efforts, John Marston receives second place among the most heroic tragedies.

1.) Thane Krios [Mass Effect 3]

“The Diseased Assassin”

Introduced in Mass Effect 2 as a recruitable squad member, Thane Krios often lived up to his reputation as the most skilled assassin to prowl the starscape. Upon first meeting him, Thane remarks to the player that he suffers from an incurable disease common to his species. This disease would kill him later in life. However, under the prospect of redemption for all of the people he had assassinated, Thane joins the player on their suicide mission to save the galaxy. Assuming he survives this mission, Thane will make an appearance in Mass Effect 3, albeit more sickly than before.

Left to suffer a slow death from his disease, Thane must now receive daily medical care to stay alive. He makes contact with the player through an e-mail, and then gives them the basic rundown of his condition in-person. Thane wouldn’t rejoin the player on their latest adventure. Even though his words are true, this doesn’t stop Thane from providing critical assistance when their conflict reaches the Citadel. Thane prowls the shadows once more to stalk and engage a hostile assassin tasked to kill the Salarian Councilor. He intervenes in the middle of a deadlock between the player and this assassin, and proceeds to engage this would-be killer on almost equal ground despite his illness. With a fatal misstep, Thane finds a sword piercing his abdomen. This wound rapidly accelerates his deteriorating health, all at the cost of helping the player one final time.

After the battle, Thane is brought to the hospital. Despite a blood transfusion from his son, Thane is left weakened by his encounter. This allows his illness to progress, pushing Thane into a near-death state. If the player decides to visit him after the battle (which they most likely will), they witness the tragic death of another close friend and teammate. Thane chose to make the most of his skills, choosing to sacrifice himself in combat instead of dying the slow, painful death he was bound to endure otherwise. Because of this, Thane instigates the greatest heroic tragedy of all-time.


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    My autobias towards mass effect immediately pulls thanes death out of thatt number spot for me personally, but still a nicely written piece! John Marstons demise is still in my top 5 most definitely.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    This needs a top 10.
    There are quite a few honorable mentions that need to be included, imo.

    But...a good list in any case (even though it kinda spoiled a couple of games for me).

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Eh, don't agree with Thane taking the number one spot. I'd definitely have The Boss in there somewhere, if not even on the top.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    But....what about Dogmeat....or Liberty prime.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Great feature....but needs a Spoiler Warning for sure.
    Where are the editors?!


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    A shame I didnt get to witness the Thane scene, as my ME2 save was corrupted.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I disagree with Carmine (Since I had to look up who the hell he was) and the dog (since I shed tears of joy when he died), but overall great list with some great characters.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    ha, quite a touching list, except for the last which i blocked from my sight when i read the game title (still avoiding spoilers <-<)

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I love this feature! #1 and #2 were definitely felt by me. If I was to make a similar list, I would add Pearl from the Bioshock 2 DLC "Minerva's Den" - but I'm not sure if her death is heroic per se. Still, it certainly felt like a tragedy to me.

    Can't wait to read more of these lists. Keep it up, guys!

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Good article, fun read

    I also never had thane in ME3 due to a screwy ME2 save. (I even saved everyone in my ME2 run...)

    Avoiding spoilers, if I were to add some of my own choices to this list, two characters immediately come to mind. One character in Yakuza 3 that initially annoyed my balls off until they met their untimely demise, and another in NieR whose death was somewhat similar, as both of them essentially sacrificed themselves to help further the main character's progression.

    If you're interested in looking at either of them more in depth, a couple of google searches should get you where you need to be. I just don't want to name any names...

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    Lion Eater Zero
    12 years, 7 months ago

    Persona 3 is another game that does a really good heroic tragedy. If you ever get the chance to play it, take it.