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I waited for Lollipop Chainsaw to arrive; like I needed more tits and zombies in my life. This post-E3 "slump" has me more excited to cut grass than play video games, and it sucks. Ive been holding off on continuing through the second-third of The Witcher 2 until AFTER I get my hands on Suda's next joint, leaving me digging through the backlog for a few critically-adored games that I merely skimmed over prior. Nothing plot-heavy, just good ol' fun.
Flipping Tradition To Dimensions Unknown
I told myself I one day should play Super Paper Mario, and what better time to give the old Wii a workout than now. SPM has found itself a home in my top 3 favorite Mario games of all-time, and I'm only half way through. Puzzles, platforming, light RPG elements, and exploration weave together for one of the Bros most memorable experiences. Fez came up a bunch, in my subliminal brain spew, and soon...I regretted not playing this franchise prior to this occasion.
Super Paper Mario is a masterpiece in design and style. It's a remembrance of how good Nintendo can be, and I needed that charm and "magic" this week, seeing as how their E3 "presser" has me fearing for their future.
My Luck Has Run Out
When I had a few minutes to spare I turned to a recent iOS favorite of mine, Tower of Fortune. It's a slot-machine RPG with perma-death. Innovative, retro-stylized, and addictive; anyone with a liking for RPGs and an iOS device should have this at their palms. Sadly, I lost my level 15 character this week in an unfortunate turn of bad luck. Guess when I found out the game had perma-death?
Guns. Killing. More guns. More killing. Guns.
Truth be told, I didn't give a rats ass about Borderlands after dumping a few hours into it during release week. The promise of guns wasn't exactly what I expected, nor was the loot-hooks long enough to hit that Diablo nerve so many of us have. Funny thing is, this week, all that changed. My Siren is now level 30, a master of the elements, and wields nothing less than Hyperion weapons. Sure, I'm not blown away by this shoot & loot, but it's exactly the brainless, quest-burning I need to ease my anticipation for Zombie Chainsaw Tits. The game controls well in all departments, aside from vehicle steering - which eventually becomes second nature. Wish I had someone to co-op with...
After setting my sights on Criterion's next wheel-gripping racer,I couldn't resist spending some more time with Burnout: Paradise. Stunt runs are still my favorite event, and Im afraid to calculate how many hours I've spent hunting gates and billboards...cause it's a LOT. What hasn't been said about this "arcadey" racing jam; it's the most fun I've had with the genre in years, and still is.
A week concocted of such different games, I'd have never guessed it would have been as joyful as it was. I swapped between games regularly, always fulfilling my desired taste of the minute. Lollipop Chainsaw arrived at my door with a thud, but that's a story for another day.
We want to play them all. If not to completion, just to have the experience points. Struggle comes often, in deciding what hogs my free time, but in the end something gets played. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not
This is my gamer life...
12 years, 7 months ago
That's about how I do things. I jump between things depending on how I feel. Sometimes I can get myself to focus on a game until I beat it, other times I make progress every so often and then I move to something else. I hardly get new games, it's mostly older ones that have come down in price or going back to ones I already have.
12 years, 7 months ago
I'm replaying my old games to deter myself from buying new ones since I'm saving up for a move, and one of those old games is Borderlands. I'm HOOKED. Having the GOTY edition, the completionist part of me keeps doing every mission possible regardless of how tedious it is. I have several games that I've only half-played, and I'm always trying to get myself to finish them ... but then Borderlands gets me all over again.