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Thatgamecompany, the good folks behind Flow, Flower, and Journey have announced today that they are now free from the three-game shackles that they branded for Sony and the Playstation Network(PSN).
The news came as a rush of excitement to me, from Gamasutra, and shows signs of multi-platform love from this excellent indie house Also noted, TGC intends on independently releasing future efforts, keeping the ball in their court and sticking to their design philosophies presented in previous games.
Unfortunately, Sony still owns the rights to TGCs three PSN releases, keeping them exclusive to the PS3. Sorry sole Xbox 360 owners.
Word on the street is these guys have some exciting news coming real soon. Free from Sony, I would guess whatever it is will receive Microsoft love. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Thatgamecompany attack the iOS/Android market with a steady flow of smaller, "artsy" experiences. TGC has a proven reputation as a developer, and only looks to benefit in its future with this news.
12 years, 7 months ago
you say free as if sony didn't support them which i really don't believe in. the guys at quantic dream are always saying that sony gives them tons of support
12 years, 7 months ago
Any developer who is locked into a contract with one publisher is "in their grip." That doesn't necessarily imply anything negative I think. By ending this contract, they are free to do what they want with who they want.
12 years, 7 months ago
C'mon guys! Exaggeration for the purpose of entertainment!
I'm no longer a fan of exclusive titles, and anytime a company has the chance to do their own's great news. I'm sure Sony has been great to TGC, but that does not mean I can't word my news article to express my tone of opinion on the subject.
Thanks for reading, anyway.
12 years, 7 months ago
Cool. I think everyone should be able to play their games considering how innovative and unique they are. With games like Journey and Flower out there in even more hands it might persuade the general population that videogames are (and have been for a while) artistic endeavors that can be just as moving and emotional as a movie, painting or book. Perhaps even more so as you actually get to control the ways in which your character interacts within their virtual world.
Also: Free Education -
12 years, 7 months ago
The more people that play ThatGameCompany's games, the better. As a gamer, I don't want to keep awesome games to myself, I want other people to enjoy them and discuss it with them. I don't wanna hide it away and taunt them about it. That's the problem with this generation of consoles, bragging rights for some stupid reason.
The more people that plays Flower, Flow, and Journey, the better. I just hope that TGC keeps making awesome games. TGC shows that just because you're an indie company, you can still make thoughtful, amazing games.
12 years, 7 months ago
I'll go with the wait and see approach. Just because they are "truly" independent again does not mean their next game will be as successful as the "three-game shackles branded for Sony and the Playstation Network(PSN)".
12 years, 7 months ago
Exclusives are the best thing that has happened to video games. Multiplatform games are great as well because it gives fanboys something to argue about with other fanboys while still enjoying the same games.
12 years, 7 months ago
As much as I'm not a fan of devs being stuck with certain publishers, especially those who make the console as well, they pulled off some neat stuff while under Sony. Let's see some great happenings from these guys, preferably on the PC or something multiplatform because I kinda don't have one of those fancy phone things that does more than call people.
12 years, 7 months ago
Does not really mean much to me since I own both a PS3 and 360 but hey If it allows them to come up with more creative and innovative games then I'm all for it.
12 years, 7 months ago
Multiplatform doesn't mean just Sony -> Microsoft or vice versa, it opens up a much bigger can of worms for them to explore.
Like handheld gaming. And of course by handheld, I mean cell phones and tablets. Like a magical origami puzzle-platformer, where you have to fold/unfold and recreate different animals to get over/around different types of obstacles using each form's unique abilities... using the touch screen. Hell, let's throw in some Enya music while we're at it.
12 years, 7 months ago
"free from the grip of Sony" "free from the three game shackles" you make it sound like they were taken down the dungeon and whipped every day, lol.
I like this news tho, it means they can expand their ideas to more platforms, which means more people will be able to experience their games, which so far has been a relaxing and emotionally involving experience for me despite coming off as maybe a little bit pretensious.
12 years, 7 months ago
let's just hope they won't do iPhone or facebook games