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With E3 making headlines left and right, it is sometimes hard to remember that there is still a lot going on outside of LA in the gaming industry. Following the awful situation involving mass layoffs of employees at Big Huge Games in Rhode Island, the future of the studio and it's team of talented staff has been in question. In a rather unexpected move, Epic Games, the company responsible for Gears of War, has decided to do what they can to help. President of Epic Games, Michael Capps, issued the following statement:
Our heart goes out to the people affected by the unfortunate events surrounding 38 Studios and its subsidiary in Baltimore, Big Huge Games. Through it all, the team stayed together in a way that’s been really heartwarming to see. The team kept working, hoping that there’d be a way to secure last-minute funding and save the company. People brought extra food into the office to help those unable to pay their bills. And last week, in bittersweet irony, Big Huge Games was named to Game Developer’s Top 30 studios in the world list.You may be wondering why I’m writing all this – and it’s because Epic is going to do something to help them, and we want people to understand why we think it’s the right thing to do.
On Wednesday, the ex-BHG leadership team contacted us. They wanted to start a new company and keep together some of the key talent displaced by the layoff, and hoped that they could use an Epic IP as a starting point for a new game. We loved that they all wanted to keep working together, but it was pretty clear they’d have trouble building a demo and securing funding before their personal savings ran out.
In one of life’s coincidences, Epic’s directors had spent the morning discussing how we’d love to build even more successful projects with our growing team, but that we’d need a dramatic infusion of top talent to do so. Which, we all knew, was impossible.
So now we’re planning to start an impossible studio in Baltimore.
It’ll take a while to find space, set up desks and PCs, purchase sufficient Nerf weaponry and Dr. Pepper, etc. But some of these folks have been going too long without a paycheck to wait for that. So, as soon as we can, we’re going to try to get people working down here at Epic headquarters in Cary, NC as contractors.
There’s a million things to work out. How many of the team can we hire? What will it be called? What will they be working on? We don’t know all the answers yet. Please give us some time to figure it out; we hope to have more to share soon.
The way we see it, there’s been a big storm in Baltimore, and we’re taking in a few of the refugees — as are the awesome folks at Zynga East, Zenimax Online, and other southeastern studios. Epic’s in a situation where we can do this, and it very clearly fits with our company values, so we’re going to give it a whirl.
Dr. Michael Capps
President, Epic Games
So there you have it. Epic Games aims to open a new studio in Baltimore using key talent from the remnants of Big Huge Games. With a new Gears game announcement expected tomorrow and Epic working hard on their next new IP, Fortnite, it's hard to imagine what kind of product this studio will be working on. Nevertheless, the prospect of a new studio formed by a team that is experienced developing fantasy RPG's, under the direction of Epic Games is pretty exciting.
[Source: Epic Games Community]
12 years, 9 months ago
what about that alan wake 2 twitter tease thats been floating around nick? thats another game u guys didnt mention in ur last podcast...alan wake 2 could be at microsofts conference, or maybe for the next gen.
12 years, 9 months ago
Faith in humanity restored +10
This is really great to hear. I hope a lot of good comes from this, the people at Big Huge Games deserve it.
12 years, 9 months ago
I almost cried reading all that...
An epic response from an epic company.
12 years, 9 months ago
Respect: +50 points.
12 years, 9 months ago
I hope this means that Project Copernicus may be released or a title similar to that. Thank you Epic for your contribution.
12 years, 9 months ago
Its always sad to see studios fall, but it is heartwarming to see that this industry looks after its own. Its great to see that after the recent trouble the employees of this studio, that epic has stepped in, nice story, hope it all plays out well for everyone.
12 years, 9 months ago
Good on them!
12 years, 9 months ago
Great job Epic.
12 years, 9 months ago
Thats really cool of you Epic.
12 years, 9 months ago
Wow, it's really awesome to see stuff like this, nicest game studio ever.