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In addition to announcing a traditionally-styled controller, Nintendo also covered some other details ahead of their E3 press conference this Tuesday. The two main things were the redesign of the Wii U Gamepad since the last showing and a few of the system software features, including some of the online connectivity.
The Wii U Gamepad has some ergonomic changes from the previous prototype design (Nintendo are calling the design shown at E3 the final product). The controller now has a more curved hand grips on either side, seemingly to allow for one to hold the controller more easily. The Circlepads of the original controller have been replaced with pivoting, clickable analog sticks, in similar fashion to all other current home console sticks. Nintendo also confirmed the controller will have near field communication, NFC, support. NFC technology is similar to how the recently released Skylanders, published by Activision, works—the protocol transmits information via close proximity or contact. The gamepad will also be able to act as a TV remote, similar to a universal one. The existence of a motion sensor and gyro was also reconfirmed, as well as the support of previous Wii accessories: the Wii Remote, Nunchuck and Balance Board (though the Classic Controller was not mentioned).
Nintendo also outlined a few details of their online network, showing off what they call the Miiverse. The opening screen of the Wii U is a interface similar to the Wii's Mii Plaza. A large number of Miis walk on screen. Though now there are icons above each group, signifying a certain game. The Miis consist of yourself, your friends, other users of the system, as well as people who speak your language. Messages will appear on each game and will allow users to share opinions of the game as well as ask for help. These features can also be used in-game, allowing for in-game messages and help from friends. A proof-of-concept example showed a 2D Mario-style map screen with messages above each level node.
The Miiverse will be accessible, eventually, through all manners of web browsers: your PC, smartphone, 3DS or anything else with a web browser. The Wii U's web browser will have Apple TV-like video sharing (at one point, a person is shown "flicking" the video from the tablet-like Gamepad to the TV), as well as a novel digital curtain to hide the web content until the person on the Gamepad reveals it.
Nintendo will have more to say about the Wii U this Tuesday during their full press conference. We will be covering that and more from E3 all this week.
[All images via Nintendo]
12 years, 9 months ago
I'm interested by what I saw, now let's see if they can follow it up.
12 years, 9 months ago
Can't wait for Tuesday!
12 years, 9 months ago
I like the new yet small features that they have done since the initial showcase of the Wii-U controller, hopefully this makes games more easier to play I had issues with the Wii-Controller.
12 years, 9 months ago
the fact that they havent mentioned classic controller support while showcasing their new wii-u pro controller doesnt sit well with me.....
12 years, 9 months ago
Miiverse? Huh? Wha?
...OHHHHHH! Miiverse = Mii + Universe! OHHHHH!!
12 years, 9 months ago
This pre-E3 conference did not impress me. Even ignoring the sad attempts to make what are essentially iPad controls sound like a unique idea in this day and age, the Miiverse just seems like another unnecessary social network being forced into the limelight, and yet they're making it out to be a huge selling point. And I'm really questioning how they plan on regulating the opinions and messages appearing on games to avoid spoilers, spam, and inappropriate content without making it a uselessly restrictive feature. If there aren't thoroughly customizable privacy settings for the Miiverse, it might actually push me away from the Wii U. As a long time Nintendo customer, I'm disappointed with the direction they seem to be taking and even more so with how positively the fans are reacting. I hope they redeem themselves during their E3 press conference.
12 years, 9 months ago
Wish I could go to E3...