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To our surprise, Ubisoft delivered one of their best conferences in years and easily ranks among the best conferences of the show this year. Of course, Assassin's Creed 3 made itself known in a big way with a brand new cinematic trailer, and it's first public demonstration of gameplay, and a brand new naval combat scenario shown to us live at the Sony Press Conference.
Cinematic Trailer
The first major piece of media is a shiny new CG trailer for the game that falls more in line with Ubisoft's traditional Assassins Creed marketing campaign. Mark that one off the list and take a look. The trailer sets the tone for the game and teases the player's involvement in major, historical battles. Also... there is some sweet killing.
Live Gameplay Demonstration
For a game that has seen a sequel cranked out once a year for 4 years, it is really refreshing to see some major innovations in the next numbered entry in the series. Aside from a more open, seamless world, obvious enhancements have been made to the combat and visual fidelity. I am really blown away by some of the little details like the blood trails in the snow and the many new maneuvers that allows Connor to use targets as a human shield or engage multiple opponents at once. One thing is for sure, Assassin's Creed 3 has cemented itself as one of my most anticipated games of the 2012.
Naval Warfare Gameplay Demonstration
Perhaps the most impressive addition to Assassin's Creed 3 was shown at the Sony Press Conference. In what is hopefully not a single gameplay scenario like the flying machine in Assassin's Creed 2, Ubisoft has introduced a rather intense Naval combat sequence that is everything that I ever wanted from a pirate game. I love everything about this new scenario. Whether it is the shifting weather that causes the waves to swell or the burning embers that result from the canons pulverizing the decks, every element of this game looks beautiful. What I like even more though is how the naval combat seems to transition smoothly over to traditional Assassins Creed gameplay once the ships collide.
It has clearly been a fairly good day for Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed. Between these 3 videos, the announcement of Assassins Creed Liberation for Vita, and this sweet E3 Assassins Creed Encyclopedia that is now in my possession, my excitement has peaked. What are your thoughts?
12 years, 9 months ago
naval warefare sold me on it...its might not be a huge part of the game, but dammit they got it right at least...i want pirate games like this...
12 years, 9 months ago
The naval warfare looks cool but it needs something more if their going to make this a big part of the game. Either that or have it spaced in the game, but it has to happen more than once.
12 years, 9 months ago
Ubisoft has made me regain faith in the Assassins Creeds series. This definitely looks like it will top AC2 (my favourite in the series) the Naval Warfare gameplay looks stellar and I normally hate pirate games but AC3 makes it look entertaining.
12 years, 9 months ago
I haven't seen the Ubisoft presser, but from what I heard, they are having a great e3.
That naval warfare demo = mind blown. I had to remind myself that I was watching a demo for AC3 and not some pirates of the caribbean knock-off.
12 years, 9 months ago
This rekindled my interest for the AC series after suffering severe burnout from AC2:Brotherhood. I'm not sure if I'll have the time or interest to bother with Revelations before 3 hits, but we'll see. Maybe there will be some super low price Steam/PC sale to get me back on board for that particular game.
12 years, 9 months ago
awesome sort of red dead crossed with Assassins creed, not bad
12 years, 9 months ago
I really like the Assassin's Creed series and this looks great as well.
To bad I couldn't see the Naval warfare one though before it was removed. :(
Really need to finish the Brotherhood game now... also got a copy Revelations lying around unopened.
12 years, 9 months ago
I lost interest after Connor jumped down from a tree and proceeded to fight 9 British soldiers taking on them one at a time while the rest were just standing there looking and waiting for their turn.
12 years, 9 months ago
This is suspiciously good.
The only current problem I see right now is the new protagonist not really having a personality, but they've sure made him bad ass enough.
12 years, 9 months ago
Those trees are blocky as fuck. Shouldn't that not be happening..?
12 years, 9 months ago
That buck died from an intestine shot in like, two seconds. :l
12 years, 9 months ago
"For a game that has seen a sequel cranked out once a year for 4 years, it is really refreshing to see some major innovations in the next numbered entry in the series"
Amen. That's going to be the absolutely crucial bit of it. AC2 improved so much on AC1 that they were able to coast on just a few changes for Brotherhood and Revelations.
With AC3 now, they really needed a genuine move forward with how it plays and what you can do. I think it arguably needs yet more, but this looks promising.
12 years, 9 months ago
Naval Warfare video was removed by the user.
Just sayin'