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I cannot say that I am surprised to see Ubisoft reverting to viral marketing to build hype for their upcoming blockbuster title, Assassin's Creed 3. I guess the only thing that surprises me is that people think it is necessary. Try to imagine a world in which Call of Duty sales depended heavily on the success of a well produced social marketing campaign...
I can't either...
Enough about that. Ubisoft has released a teaser trailer for a trailer... By building hype on the Assassin's Creed Facebook page, the full version of the trailer will eventually be unlocked. I think this goes without saying but... I would expect to see this trailer in a matter of days given the popularity of the franchise. Color me excited but inclined to raise my nose at these annoying marketing ploys. Shame on you Ubisoft. Shame on you. Now take my money!
12 years, 9 months ago
I am sorry...I still find the concept of Tarzan Assassin kinda stupid
12 years, 9 months ago
Eh, I'll play it if someone gets a hold of it, but I'm not rushing to buy it.
12 years, 9 months ago
Well it's got me excited...
12 years, 9 months ago
"Try to imagine a world in which Call of Duty sales depended heavily on the success of a well produced marketing campaign…" You mean Black Ops2 that is coming out two weeks after AC3 and already has a trailer? Activision started pushing preoders on it last week (free posters) and is ALREADY spending lots of marketing dollars as if their entire lively hood depends on it (it does). Ubisoft is in the same Gondola, as it were. Now just don't forget to preorder all of the DLC that will be out on day one, which they will no doubt begin announcing soon! And make sure you don't rent it so you get the online pass! Bleh.
12 years, 9 months ago
Seems like all the trailer for Ass Creed 3 only shows The Assassin kill red cloaks. Is it because showing kills of Americans, people will just bash on it? I hope that ain't so.
12 years, 9 months ago
a trailer for a trailer. ubisoft can be such teases sometimes but hey it will most likely accomplish whatever it is they aim to do with it so can't really complain