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Gameinformer has just revealed that the long-rumored Elder Scrolls Online is a reality. Zenimax Online Studios will be developing this new MMORPG, which is set to take place a millennium before the events of Skyrim. A time in which daedric prince Molag Bal wrecks havoc across all of Tamriel.
Solo quests, public dungeons, and faction based PvP are among some of the features that The Elder Scrolls Online promises. It's a relatively standard feature list for the MMO genre but we'll hopefully know more once the teaser trailer and screenshots hit the web tomorrow.
The Elder Scrolls Online is planned to release in 2013 for Windows and Macintosh.
Update: Sure enough Zenimax has released their teaser trailer today. Unfortunately, as is true of some teaser trailers, there is absolutely zero gameplay in it.
12 years, 10 months ago
I don't know how to feel about this
12 years, 10 months ago
If they announced a class based system instead of the *very* traditional skill based game-play of an Elder Scroll game, then I will have lost all faith in the game. I don't want another class based MMO; I've got about 50 other MMOs like that I can play. You can still specialize and build out your character to fill out specific roles if you use a skill system, but it gives you the freedom to build something entirely unique. I just don't want another fucking World of Warcraft but with an Elder Scrolls skin on it. If they use their current systems but expand on it to create a multiplayer experience out of it, I think they can create something unique that plays like an Elder Scrolls game, which is the only way I think it can become successful.
12 years, 10 months ago
I've played MMOs for years and I love TES, but i'm not looking forward to this. The game won't have the same appeal as an Elder Scrolls game. Also a 2013 release date? Unless they were working on this since 2007, I really don't think that's enough development time for an MMO.
12 years, 10 months ago
One bit of information you forgot to mention Joseph. This isn't being developed by Bethesda Gam Studios, but Zenimax Online Studios. So thankfully this shouldn't impact future entires into the main series.
As for my thoughts. I've always been vocal in my not wanting an Elder Scrolls MMO. I just don't see how it can work and work well with out having to change some key features of the Elders Scrolls series. I just don't see the ability loot everything from a corpse working all that well in a MMO.
With that said, I don't plan on playing this. I can maybe be convinced, but I play the Elder Scrolls games to get immersed and feel lost in the world, this is coming from a guy who actually reads the in-game books. A lot of the magic will be lost if I walk into a town and see all the shit that comes with online games.
12 years, 10 months ago
Let's just see how this turns out. I'm wondering about pricing, bugs, the factions, what races (if it's the usual 10), how character development is handled, how loot works, how many characters you get, and so on. Also, I should point out that this is the earliest game in the timeline, if it really takes place 1000 years before Skyrim. Even before Redguard.
12 years, 10 months ago
Keep in mind folks, due to this being set during the 2nd Age, there's a possibility we could see, (or play as!) Dwarves.
12 years, 10 months ago
NNNGGGG.....Oh god yes,cant wait to tell my friend.
12 years, 10 months ago
Woooh! It's cool that I can now talk about the game (bro works for zenimax online, cool beans).
12 years, 10 months ago
I dont want.
12 years, 10 months ago
ZeniMax bought the license for an early version of HeroEngine in 2007, the same engine that was used for SWTOR and we all know how that ended. Hopefully they don't make the same mistake of using an unfinished engine.
12 years, 10 months ago
Would have much preferred a co-op integration into Skyrim or into the next official ES game to be perfectly honest. I can see this having potential, but I can see it crashing. Hard.
12 years, 10 months ago
I can sense the impending failure of this game. It will be SWTOR all over again.
12 years, 10 months ago
Never really liked elder scrolls but the idea of it being an mmo is really intriguing. Hope it does well
12 years, 10 months ago
Well, other ES games should get a better melee combat out of this MMO experiment. Certainly they can't use present pile of crap melee combat that they have in Skyrim for PvPs in MMO, right?
12 years, 10 months ago
Wow.... I wonder how they are going to do this, and if it is online, the map size is going to have to be a lot bigger, I say something like Daggerfall, otherwise it will just get boring after awhile. I'm hoping a travel system though so you can not only travel around from city to city, but maybe travel from Skyrim, to Morrowind, and any of the other locations.
12 years, 10 months ago
It could be a pretty good MMO if it has no safe havens in regards to pvp. I've played some Ultima Online freeshards (Runuo , UO Hybrid, UO Redemption) where even guard zones were removed and the game is alot more fun and anything can happen. I do realize that the game would be very brutal for new players if it was like this but I find the more risk there is the more reasons to come back to the game are. But if they make this game a clone of other mmorpgs with the basis on grinding endlessly then it will fail.
12 years, 10 months ago
me thinks someone like the guild wars 2 beta...
12 years, 10 months ago
Back around the time I was still heavily playing Oblivion(late 2006-2009), I sorta considered GW1 to be what I'd expect from a ES MMO. I'm kinda on the fence on this announcement, and not particularly excited for it.
There's alot of potential for this to end up as just another cookie-cutter mmo that's draw is just it being centered around a big-name license. And with GW2 just around the corner I can see myself getting meaningfully invested in this.