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You know, I try to be an optimist about the game industry. For every complaint about EA not caring about their consumer base I look at the developers in their employ and just how great some of their games are. For every rant about publishers charging exorbitant amounts for downloadable content I think about how those funds can help insure the developer continuing to make great new titles. And, for every licensed-out video game title that is worth less than the gas it costs to drive down to your local game store to buy it, I try to remember the great gems that come along every now and then.
Every now and then though there comes a title that just makes me want to go before Congress and do a filibuster about just what that particular game exemplifies about our industry and just what's wrong with it. So far this year it was going to be Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, a game that was so painful to play that I refuse to ever again let the disc enter my system beyond completing that campaign. It looks like I might have to change my mind on which title deserves the coveted crown of "worst game of 2012" after having seen the above trailer.
Coinciding with the release of the third Men in Black film opening in time for Memorial Day, Men in Black Alien Crisis both seems to have nothing to do with the new movie nor any sense of what the core plotline of what the MiB universe is about. You know, covertly preventing the population from knowing of the existence of extra-terrestrials? Yea, that thing. The game is coming to us from Romanian developer Fun Labs whose previous titles all involve Cabelas hunting-related ones. Judging from their pedigree, the trailer above's lack of any sense of what the MiB universe is about and the fact that their website seems to have been made in 2003 I'm willing to suggest that Alien Crisis is going to be abysmal. know what? I've decided. I'm going to review this game. For those of you who look forward to the thought of my cringing constantly as I experience it, you don't get the last laugh. I'm going to play this on the feed next week. You will experience every flinch-warranting, painful moment with me as we go on a journey to learn just how bad licensed games can be. If I have to go down, I'm taking you all with me.
I look forward to your mandatory attendance.
12 years, 8 months ago
I wish you luck, you brave man
12 years, 8 months ago
Godspeed honorable warrior warrior.
12 years, 8 months ago
Don't do it, Chris. It's like committing gaming suicide.
It's not worth it!
As for the game, could this be worst than the infamous Jericho?
12 years, 8 months ago
When i first started watching this, i literally thought it was a joke. Then i realized shit just got real. This is going to be the game of a generation. I thought the gameplay was actual footage in real life, it wasnt until i saw a car going the wrong way down a one way street that i realized this was a video game.
12 years, 8 months ago
I look forward to you playing this greatly.
12 years, 8 months ago
Is that a PS1 game? Why it looks like shit? Actually looks worst than the new movie.
12 years, 8 months ago
Speaking as someone who is actually learning how to model characters, everything in this except for the dog looks like they spent about a minute on the texturing. It really just kindof looks like a joke.
12 years, 8 months ago
I can't wait for next weeks feed~ :D
12 years, 8 months ago
12 years, 8 months ago
Well, it can't be that b...
Oh... God, that does look like shit.
I look forward to suffering through this together.
12 years, 8 months ago
Still a rookie....
12 years, 8 months ago
Arguably the best voice acting I've ever heard -_-
12 years, 8 months ago
another attempt to cash in on a movie release with a game. If developers actually took the time to make the game good, it would be much more beneficial to the industry.
12 years, 8 months ago
Looks terrible.
What's that logo? Activision? Making a bad licensed video game? It can't be!
Seriously though, good luck.