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Because We May is a collective promotion organized by 2D Boy's Ron Carmel (World of Goo). A multitude of independent developers have joined Carmel in discounting their games in support of developer controlled pricing. Not all online stores allow developers to freely set the price for their own games. This includes the online stores of the big three console makers: the PlayStation Store, the Nintendo eShop (and WiiWare), and Xbox Live Arcade.
"We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games," reads the statement on the Because We May website. "Why? Because it allows us to promote our games more freely, as we are doing here! We rely on the ability to promote our games for our livelihood and control over pricing is an important tool for this purpose."
The promotion includes games from a variety of sources: from directly through the developer, to Apple's App Stores, to Valve's Steam service. Games listed include the aforementioned World of Goo, as well as Osmos, all of Introversion Software's games, Braid, Frozen Synapse, Canabalt, and very many more.
The promotion ends June 1, and the complete list of games can be seen on the Because We May official site.
12 years, 9 months ago
"Not all online stores allow developers to freely set the price for their own games." because they don't have to. If developer wants to control their own prices, don't use 3rd party hosting. Sell games directly from your own site.
12 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the article!
12 years, 9 months ago
I'm all for this I feel like some indie games in current times are too expensive hopefully if devs get the freedom to choose the price they can sell it at a more reasonable amount